China seems to be coming out of its economic slump, and visions of that country once again providing fast growth in a plodding world have fueled a bit of a rush on Chinese equity funds.
But it undermined the popularity both of the Concertacion government of President Eduardo Frei, a plodding and uninspired Christian Democrat, and of Mr Lagos, who ran a worthy but old-fashioned campaign, promising voters a fairer society, built gradually through positive discrimination for the disadvantaged, better state education and improved health services.
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Some miracle drugs emerge from eureka moments, but more often a new compound results from years of meticulous, plodding work championed by a true believer.
Collison is a plodding, uninspired piece of "faction" covering those same events of 32 years ago.
Enter the Avis Budget Group, whose corporate name sounds nearly like a parody of a plodding, if well-capitalized big competitor.
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Mr Kaplan's biography recounts, in a plodding and not wholly reliable fashion, the salient events of Mr Vidal's colourful life.
But, corporations appear to have adjusted to a plodding economy by cutting costs enough to be on their way to reporting record profits, driving stock prices to within reach of their highs hit before the Great Recession.
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And could you imagine Gandalf plodding his way through a spell book instead of issuing a majestic incantation?
The conclusion may well be that you are a dull plodding sort.
They also enact the political philosophy Mr Blunkett sketched in a recent, plodding book.
But perhaps few, with such a taste for plodding, got further.
As his successor he chose Mariano Rajoy, a decent but plodding politician who seemed unlikely to overshadow him, rather than Mr Rato, his brilliant finance minister.
ECONOMIST: Flirting with nationalists, provoking the opposition
As we set off south down the coast on our last morning, we followed a bear's plodding tracks through the apron of black sand for 3 miles.
And the station also serves as a place where drama can happen juxtaposed with commuters plodding along with their business.
It featured a few former sports stars but also long stretches of plodding testimony and bench conferences.
They are accustomed to the firm's plodding pace and wide-angle view, which combined to produce a compound annual return of 27% over the past 30 years (double the rise in broad stock market averages).
With nothing but viscous sauces and foie gras plodding through my head, I feared that I had painted myself into a culinary corner.
The berry is most popularly consumed as part of a smoothie, found at stands lining the beachfront or from vendors plodding through the sand.
In any case, Syngenta says that it will combine its work with that of a public programme, the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project, which is plodding along to produce an even more accurate version of the sequence, and deposit the whole lot in GenBank by the end of next year.
Suddenly, it was as if Mr Bush was giving a different speech, powerful where he had been dutiful, passionate where he had been plodding.