With its nationwide dominance, Golkar could win a plurality in 30-40% of the 300-plus districts.
The inquiry will make recommendations on media plurality, regulation and cross-media ownership by July 2012.
Give them three options, and the unionist vote could split, possibly producing a plurality for independence.
News Corp preferred to negotiate undertakings to purge the harm to plurality perceived by Ofcom.
At least a plurality of each group favors the use of embryonic stem cell research.
He added that it was possible to have "a shared system with a plurality of providers".
The Competition Commission would primarily focus on issues of media plurality in making their decision.
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Asked about their race, a plurality (35%) of American Muslims describe themselves as African-American.
Plurality voting, one of the most common democratic systems, fails to respect reflectional symmetry.
Meanwhile, a plurality said that Egypt should have a partnership relationship with Iran (48%-43%).
But plurality is a more nebulous and - some would say - more subjective concept than competition.
In the end, I'm sure sensible controls can be put into any merger to ensure there is plurality.
Among all voters 51% oppose the proposal and a 48% plurality thinks it will increase their total taxes.
But I fail to see anything alarming about a plurality of white respondents reserving judgment in the case.
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He hasn't had a convincing plurality or margin among Conservative Republicans or regular Republicans who are his base.
He hoped this would be a "welcome step forward" for those concerned about the plurality of news provision.
With its approximately 480 million adherents, Latin America is home to an overwhelming plurality of the world's Catholics.
The FMLN took a narrow plurality in the National Assembly with 35 seats while ARENA was left with 32.
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There must be "a sufficient plurality of persons" in control of media outlets.
Only 23% of them think Obamacare will make them better off, while a growing plurality think it will hurt them.
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Nearly as many (21%) think it does not go far enough, while the plurality (43%) believes it is about right.
Mr Hunt said the Competition Commission would "consider media plurality, just as I was", and would not look at broader issues.
Also, a plurality (42%) of moderates is more likely believe a government default can be avoided by just cutting inessential services.
Previous CoD games featured a character named "Ghost" fairly prominently, though the plurality indicates a game about more than one individual.
Created in 1984, UNESCOCAT is committed to such essential values as human rights, culture of peace, cultural plurality and dialogue between cultures.
This plurality not only implies the many organizations that exist, it also expresses the diversity of issues around which women organize themselves.
Amazingly, a plurality said it was because America was moving too slowly.
Ofcom said opting for one of these three funding routes was needed "to maintain plurality of public service broadcasting in the digital age".
Following the November 2011 elections, a new PJD-led government took power in January, ruling in a coalition based on a 27% parliamentary plurality.
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Admittedly, this is more complex than plurality voting and cannot be used with current American voting machines (though it is used in Australia).