From this point of view, we shall also cooperate with China, which is an important partner.
But at the same time they must be diplomatic when offering a different point of view.
The general point of view is the climate has two stable states, warm and cold.
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Secondly, the tournament needs to be a success from a financial point of view.
In my 15 years spent running large start-ups, I had a very strict point of view.
FORBES: TP and Me: How to do Mergers and Acquisitions from the Comfort of Your Home
But from a borrower's point of view, cable was junk and network TV was blue chip.
But I have yet to see anyone actually make the argument for this point of view.
Depending on your point of view, Magedson either champions consumer rights or callously destroys reputations.
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The end result is about the same in either case, form my point of view.
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From that point of view, of course, if they are leftover embryos, you should adopt them.
Since we never get her point of view again, this celestial music never returns.
The group despises educational games or those with a social agenda or point of view.
WSJ: The Games Smart People Play | Mind Games | By Alexandra Peers
But, look, you can't just see these things from the business' point of view.
Why should this consensus point of view get any air time, blog space and newsprint consumption?
FORBES: You Won't Make Money Believing Nattering Nabobs Of Negativity
From an economic point of view, it gives us more capacity and is more cost effective.
The marketer also risks losing its objectivity, and a much-needed alternative point of view.
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Better yet, from the studios' point of view, the price of talent is falling.
The professors cited in the Journal article take a point of view common amongst business leaders.
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Companies have to have a point of view and not just aggregated content on a subject.
From the government's point of view, turning nuclear sites into nature reserves is thrifty environmentalism.
We play a lot of it from Castle's point of view, trying to get her back.
The thing is, this is all about your point of view, and vocabulary you choose.
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So from a fundamental point of view, I like to look at things in two ways.
Novelists must choose between first-person and third-person point of view (unless they're Jay McInerney).
WSJ: Nancy Bilyeau: What Novelists Can Learn From Screenwriting | Word Craft
Perry, more than any other Republican at the moment, has a point of view.
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From that point of view, the endorsement or otherwise by Oprah has certainly helped your sales.
BBC: News | NEWSNIGHT | Jonathan Franzen interview transcript
"We were always looking for a more creative, different point of view, " explains Mateschitz.
Schrag said his lecture looked at the clearances from the point of view of sheep.
From an employee's point of view, that sound distinctly like "more prescription, less pension".
What you really want from a social point of view is confidence in the Federal Reserve.