After months of gains in contrast to steady downturns elsewhere in the world, Shanghai's Composite Index was down 8 percent at one point before rallying slightly to end the day down 5 percent.
At one point, 80 percent of the capital Manila was under water after experiencing the heaviest rainfall in 40 years.
After controlling for population and the number of police officers in each county, the study found that a one percent point increase in the local unemployment rate leads to a 6.4 percentage point increase in the number of traffic tickets.
FORBES: It's Not Your Imagination. Recessions Do Lead to More Traffic Tickets
Toyota, whose market share peaked at 17 percent in 2009, as Detroit was on its knees, saw its portion of the market sink as low as 10 percent at one point last year.
The fees related to conservative investing range from 1 basis point (one one-hundreth of a percent) to about half a percent.
It turns out that April was the weakest month for new jobs in two years, and the unemployment rate rose one point to four and a half percent.
At one point, they had a less than 4 percent mathematical chance of making the playoffs.
In the upswing, consumers took on mucho debt, the savings rate at one point dwelled in negative ground, normally 6 percent of personal income.
Then in September, the Fed cut its key short-term interest rate for the first time since 2003 by one-half percentage point from 5.25 percent to 4.75 percent.
Suppose that mortgage rates have gone up not one percentage point but two, to 5.5 percent.
FORBES: The Coming Mortgage Lock-in: Future Effects of Today's Low Rates
At one point today, oil prices had spiked almost two percent.
At one point in the eighties, I owned over 10 percent of NYT, but I watched in frustration as management bartered away serious money for the aging Cowles magazine stable, invested in the teaching machine craze and divested a promising foothold in a cable TV system.
If interest rates have moved up just one percentage point, then their monthly payments that are 20 percent higher support a mortgage that is six percent higher.
FORBES: The Coming Mortgage Lock-in: Future Effects of Today's Low Rates
At one point, the nearby Climax mine produced close to 75 percent of the world's molybdenum, which is used as a hardening agent for steel in cars, as well as in computer chips and monitors.
More than 80 percent of the capital was under water at one point Sunday.
In our own country, we have reached a point where one-quarter of all yearly income accrues to just 1 percent of the population.
Conservative economists point out that no one actually sat down and decided to increase payroll taxes from one percent to 40 percent of federal revenues.
FORBES: Ashoka Chairman Bill Drayton on the Power of Social Entrepreneurship
On that last point, let me just point out that Secretary Albright often says that our whole diplomatic budget is only about one percent of the budget.
And at least for SFO, the airport has continued to see growth over the past four years, despite the recession, of between three and four-percent, with one year at about 1% growth at its toughest point over that timespan.
Among the highest income one percent, the payroll tax cut accounts for only about 0.1 of a point of that total 4.5 percent increase.
With a crossover point of about 300 percent of FPL for those aged 30 to 44, we estimate that about one-third of those older than age 29 with incomes greater than 138 percent FPL will see higher premiums even after accounting for premium assistance.
In fact, for every one percentage point increase in the number of entrepreneurs in a state, the average state saw a two percent decline in the poverty rate.
FORBES: Don't Let The Pundits Fool You, A Tax Hike On The Rich Is Paid For By The Poor