My appearance caused a stir in the street, partly because I arrived in a police cruiser.
He has been handcuffed and escorted into the back of a police cruiser more than 50 times.
He was in uniform when he showed up outside her Times Square office building in his police cruiser.
Investigators also showed video of the incident, captured by a dashboard camera inside a police cruiser at the scene.
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What modifications do police departments in the US typically make to factory cars purchased for use as a police cruiser?
This year John, a retired police officer, also added a scene with a doughnut delivery truck being robbed as a police cruiser comes to the rescue.
Aurora police Officer Justin Grizzle, a 13-year veteran, wiped away tears Monday while describing his efforts to rush badly wounded victims to a hospital in his police cruiser, including shooting victim Ashley Moser and her husband, who wanted Grizzle to turn around and head back to the theater.
At one point, one of the police officers shifted his cruiser into gear as a diversionary tactic, and it rolled toward the two shooters.
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Tsarnaev could also face state charges in the slaying of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer, who was shot in his cruiser Thursday night on the MIT campus in Cambridge.
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, bagpipes wailed as students, faculty and staff members and throngs of law enforcement officials paid their respects to MIT police officer Sean Collier, who was ambushed in his cruiser three days after the bombing.
"To this day I still hear my boys crying out, yelling for Daddy, when they were told the news, " says Jackie Califano, the widow of a New York police officer killed when a suspected drowsy driver plowed into his parked cruiser in 2011.
Police believed one of the bombing suspects shot the officer, Sean Collier, 26, in his cruiser as he was responding to a loud disturbance call.