That investment has paid off for Antonio Carlos Magalhaes, the president of Brazil's Senate and Bahia's powerful political boss.
This grandstanding was begun by Antonio Carlos Magalhaes, a tough conservative political boss from Bahia, in the backward north-east.
The movie also stars a sullen, stolid Leonardo DiCaprio as a young Irish immigrant eager to avenge the death of his father, Cameron Diaz as a prostitute and pickpocket, Liam Neeson as a fallen Irish leader, and Jim Broadbent as the corrupt political boss William Tweed.
Weigh the political costs of dragging your boss or human-resources department into the conflict, warns Mr. Logan.
Ms. Lee told Ms. Hou's attorney, Gerald Lefcourt, that she didn't make the contributions in her own name because, "I was concerned about the perception" of an employee of the comptroller's office contributing to her boss's political campaign.
And he may have a tough time keeping at arm's length longtime associates and political supporters like Philippine Airlines boss Lucio Tan and San Miguel tycoon Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco - both Marcos-era cronies whose many business interests necessarily involve government.
Springsteen and his E Street Band opened their Wrecking Ball Tour to enthusiastic reviews in Brisbane, the hometown of Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan, who revealed in a speech last year that The Boss had long been his political inspiration.
Indeed, while Sir Bernard's words were regarded by political journalists as the authentic echo of his boss, some suggest that with Mr Campbell it is sometimes the other way round: that when the prime minister speaks, what you get is pure Campbell.
All those words in italics represent an acknowledgement that it would appear that women had, indeed, complained - albeit not in writing or via formal procedures - about the way they had been treated by a man who was either their boss or could influence their future political career.
Ms. Abedin, after all, isn't only a seasoned political operative, but one who has helped manage her boss's successful emergence from personal turmoil.
Our Political Editor Patrick Burns has been speaking to him, to former CBI boss and proud Midlander Digby Jones, and he will be joined live by current Birmingham City Council leader Mike Whitby to answer the charge - has Birmingham lost its way?
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Council pay cuts...
Only in 1576 did Jean Bodin, a French political thinker, assure Europe that the king, and he alone, was boss.
The reality is that the reforms of the early 1990s were pushed through by his then boss, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao, who put up all his political capital to get them through.
FORBES: India Leader In Panic Mode, Promises 'Any Means Necessary' Growth Initiative
The other third of the job, boss of the Cabinet Office (which helps make and implement government policy), will go to a political insider.
Rom Kulleh, a political aide who flew in a helicopter over the river shortly after the accident, said he and his state legislator boss saw the overturned boat.
Habibie, has allies who control the ruling political grouping of Golkar, the man who succeeded Suharto is still associated in the minds of many with his former boss, and his popular support is not strong.