Novelist Kamila Shamsie said she waited five hours to vote at the same polling station.
"I have voted no for the document, " said Kizito Marwe, at a polling station east of Harare.
At one polling station in Mexico City, a 46-year-old attorney from the state of Michoacan was fuming.
"I walked right in, there were even empty polling booths, " the voter said of his church polling station.
In Kibera, Nairobi's largest slum, some 1, 000 people stood in several lines at one polling station before daybreak.
In one polling station in Accra, prayers for peace were held before voting began, Reuters news agency reports.
The idea was for voters to have fingerprints rescanned in the polling station, and checked against their cards.
The problem, he said, is that the local polling station is mixed gender.
Amazingly, we can watch residents of Anadyr crowding the polling station in Chukotka.
FORBES: While Moscow Sleeps, the Far East has Begun to Vote.
NPR's Gwen Thompkins is at a polling station in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
With his daughter Judith he queued up at a polling station in Bulawayo and prepared for a long wait.
And yes, a polling station is one of the most public of places.
There is only one polling station in the capital, Nuuk - a town of 15, 000 with only two traffic lights.
To make a difference, you have to get to the polling station and put a cross on the ballot paper.
There were representatives of both main parties in every polling station I visited but I did not see many observers.
It changed the electoral law so that votes will now be counted in district towns rather than at each polling station.
Voters are given a clutch of ballot papers at the polling station, each one with a different candidate's name and colour.
At a polling station in Sisulu Street, next to the former home of Walter Sisulu, the BBC met 74-year-old Xorilela Makakwa.
In Mateela, the men say they are willing to let women vote if the election commission sets up a separate polling station.
The whole idea is to give everyone who took the time to show up at a polling station access to a ballot.
In one polling station in Paris, a party official complained that there were 40 more ballots than voters on the party list.
Outside the polling station in Lahore's King Edward Medical University, 50-year-old tailor Shabir Hussain said he was also casting his vote for PTI.
The U.S. military said two 127 mm rockets were fired in central Baghdad Thursday morning, one of them landing behind a polling station.
Each polling station will have at least two boxes -- one for ballots for the National Assembly, one for ballots for the provincial council.
Polling hours were extended to cater for the queues and frustrated voters were seen banging on polling station doors which were closed at 21:30.
The electoral tribunal was set for that, and the electoral - and there are specific cases where you can open these polling station votes...
The council also said that after every election it reviews polling station procedures to see if "any lessons can be learned for the future".
At a polling station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, voters queued in their hundreds, many of them seeking shelter from the sun under palm trees.
Lionel Victor says he left his home in Cite Soleil at four AM to walk the two miles to his designated polling station in Delma.
He drives his own car - as a matter of fact he drove himself to the polling station to vote in the recent presidential referendum.