The world's biggest retailer already has 56 stores in the world's most populous country, and it's looking to further boost it's presence with 20 new outlets this year and some 150, 000 staff over the next four years.
This left Mr Sharif, a champion of Punjab, Pakistan's most populous state, as the country's closest approximation to a national leader.
The world's most populous countries, they are the world's biggest and fourth-biggest carbon emitters.
There's been little reaction, not even in Punjab, which is the country's most populous province, but more importantly it's the stronghold of Sharif and his family.
In 2012, the world's most populous country imported 59% of the world's soybean supply, according to FAO data, up from about 25% in 2000.
Crucially, though, the instability has yet to affect Iran's populous central areas, where Persians are a big majority.
By contrast, it took Nigeria -- Africa's most populous country -- another three decades to establish itself among the continent's top national sides.
So do India, the world's second most populous country, and Brazil, Latin America's biggest.
But greater Dhaka has become one of the world's most populous and fastest-growing megacities, driving up the price of land and straining the country's electrical, power and gas systems.
WSJ: Before Bangladesh Collapse, Some Clothing Retailers Fled Risk
The census in the EU's most populous country was carried out on 9 May, 2011.
Brazil is the world's most populous Roman Catholic nation and has an estimated 60, 000 gay couples.
With a population of 84 million, Vietnam is one of the world's most populous countries.
It has traditionally dominated the politics in the country's most populous province of Punjab.
Emergency officials in New England's most populous state reported about 400, 000 outages at 7 a.m.
Thus the tea-party movement may be working against the Republican Party in America's most populous state.
In early May a Christian-liberal coalition lost an election in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous state.
Indonesia is the world's most populous Islamic country and Mr Yudhoyono its first directly elected leader.
The world's most populous country has vast reserves of labour and no shortage of capital.
Her center-right coalition faced a crucial regional election on May 9 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous state.
Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation but it is also secular.
The world's most populous Muslim nation even wants to register it as part of its musical heritage with Unesco.
Both Gore and Bush made swings through California this week, hoping to buttress support in the nation's most populous state.
Understanding one of the world's most populous faiths needs to encompass all of Catholicism -- not just the Roman version.
Violence intensified across Syria on Friday, and Ban made reference to the violence in Aleppo, the nation's most populous city.
Now all eyes are on the election to be held on May 22nd in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany's most populous state.
New York and New Jersey -- two of the Nation's most populous States -- were especially hard hit by these storms.
The troubled firm has been accused of being one of the biggest impediments to economic development in Africa's most populous country.
India's most populous state sends more than 80 MPs to parliament, and is the historical political base of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.
Some wine producers fear that their new status risks being undermined by loose labelling allowed by Ontario, Canada's most populous province.
The battleground between Sharif and Khan was in Pakistan's most populous province, Punjab, where both parties appealed to urban middle class voters.