Genta again produced a robust design that suggested the impermeability of a ship's porthole, while exhibiting constructional details worthy of fine jewelry.
From the top, your guide will ask you to poke your head out the little porthole window, and you will feel like you are emerging from some great spaceship.
Some pieces serve as sturdy reminders of the 882-foot-long liner's "unsinkable" billing, such as a 17-ton piece of the hull that still contains thick rivets and porthole views into what would have been a pair of third-class cabins.
With two porthole windows that look like eyes set just above four small red tile awnings that look like a beak, two wings and a tail, the architecture of the nondenominational church in the city of Madeira Beach uncannily resembles a cartoon chicken.
It would be a slight improvement to add a curtain over the virtual porthole (rather than a switch to shut it on and off), so that guests can leave the video running and wake up with the sense that the sun is "virtually" peeking though their curtains.