Chuck Hagel (R-NE), a potential presidential candidate, is offering a resolution opposing "escalation" of the war.
Another potential presidential candidate is Itamar Franco, an eccentric former president who harbours a passionate hatred of Mr Cardoso.
Soon, evangelical activists were talking about her as a potential Presidential candidate.
While the federal offer of compromise was bad news for state politics, it may have been a boon for the governor's credibility as a potential presidential candidate.
Clinton, who is frequently mentioned as a potential 2016 presidential candidate.
Davis' name has been bandied about in recent weeks as a potential vice presidential candidate who possesses the sort of dynamism sought by the Gore camp.
CNN: California's Davis discourages Democratic VP consideration
Joe Lieberman, D-Connecticut, a potential 2004 presidential candidate, said it may be best to delay a vote until after the election because Iraq should be a non-partisan issue.
From his offices in Washington, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a potential Socialist presidential candidate and presently boss of the IMF, must have blushed as red as the banners on the boulevards of Paris.
Viewed as a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2016, Rubio will make full-court press on the issue on Sunday network talk shows, including CNN's "State of the Union" with Candy Crowley.
CNN: With deal in hand, senators to roll out immigration plan
The group claims a notable newcomer in Rubio, a potential 2016 presidential candidate whose conservative bona fides may help smooth the way for support among conservatives wary of anything that smacks of amnesty.
In December, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, Sarah Palin endorsed the Roadmap, and every potential Republican Presidential candidate knew that he or she, too, would have to take a position on it.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, considered by some as a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, also disagreed with the NRA's position.
As Barry Rubin reported yesterday in The Jerusalem Post, the Syrians are supporting Suleiman as a potential candidate in the Lebanese presidential elections scheduled to take place on September 25.
When it comes to helping New Jersey rebuild from the storm, "the president has kept every promise he's made, " said Christie, widely considered a potential candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
John Edwards, D-North Carolina, a successful trial lawyer and potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, got a seat on the Judiciary committee -- a high profile perch for battling White House judicial nominations.
Adding an extra note of potential political drama, the Senate panel includes a possible 2016 GOP presidential candidate, Sen.