There were no plans, he said, to extend the life of old coal power stations.
The Liberal Democrats, who oppose it, say they will not block new power stations.
It shows that hitting this target requires more than extra wind turbines or nuclear power stations.
China currently has 13 nuclear power stations in operation, while another 27 plants are under construction.
We're getting our wind farms from Germany, we're getting our nuclear power stations from France.
That also means that the other natural places to cultivate algae are power stations.
The money will go towards new roads, railways, power stations and other large-scale projects.
But as with MCF, how long before this technology can be fabricated into actual power stations?
These should include replacing ageing power stations, investment in rail and Heathrow's third runway.
More recent ideas include managing distressed power stations and buying delinquent credit-card debts from banks.
The joint venture's initial aim is to secure sites suitable for nuclear power stations.
It makes silicon solar wafers and photovoltaic cells and builds and runs solar power stations.
MPs have agreed new subsidies for burning wood and plants in the UK's power stations.
Environmentalists are also concerned at new subsidies for burning wood pellets in power stations.
China's state-owned enterprises have won contracts to build railways, houses and power stations in the country.
That is bad news for a government that it struggling to build more power stations too.
Energy-watchers now fret about possible blackouts as power stations close and are not replaced.
Ministers are beginning to specify how many new nuclear-power stations and wind turbines they want built.
Coal-burning power stations have cut output significantly, while gas-burning has surged ahead, faster than renewables.
Security has been stepped up at nuclear power stations, oil pipelines, and so on.
Eskom says it risks running out of electricity while it builds two coal power stations.
However, the project has been criticised by campaigners who claim nuclear power stations are dangerous.
When pressed, Stephen Tetlow, chief executive of IMechE, offered the example of coal-fired power stations.
But the construction of some proposed nuclear power stations have been stalled by intense local opposition.
Power stations produce a lot of hot air that is dumped into the atmosphere.
The order is linked to allegations of corruption in bidding on private power stations.
At the moment there is no money and little incentive to build new power stations.
The committee also investigated what the consequences would be of failing to build new nuclear power stations.
Nuclear power stations are so massive, so expensive and so controversial they have always been state projects.
The South African government says almost 90% of the country's electricity is generated by coal-fired power stations.