So I would always vote in favor of the vaccine rather than the chicken pox parties.
As most people know by now, Barbara Walters was recently hospitalized after developing chicken pox.
About 75-90 percent of chicken pox cases occur in children under the age of 10.
These include "gangs", "small pox", "leak", "recall" and "2600" - an apparent reference to the hacking-focused magazine.
And he joins us today to talk about what we've learned during a decade of chicken pox vaccinations.
And so somebody would break out in chicken pox, and so there'd be a party to expose people.
By the late 1800s, European-borne diseases such as small pox had decimated the Haida population to triple figures.
Typically, about 70-90 percent of adults who get vaccinated will develop complete immunity to the chicken pox virus.
Her run-in with the apparition took place when she was a young girl in bed with the chicken pox.
Dr. SPIESEL: Well, chicken pox is, and has been, traditionally a fairly mild illness, with occasional quite serious consequences.
Before the chicken pox vaccine was introduced in 1995, there were about 4 million cases of chicken pox annually.
Pox viruses do, indeed, carry a range of genes that bear a striking resemblance to those of their hosts.
Once you have had the chicken pox, you develop immunity to contracting it.
Most people develop antibodies to the chicken pox virus, referred to as varicella.
Most people get chicken pox from exposure to other people with chicken pox -spread through droplets- sneezing, coughing, and breathing.
Since the introduction of the vaccine, the incidence of chicken pox and hospitalizations for complications have declined about 90 percent.
And there were an average of, oh, I don't know, something like over 140 kids a year who died from chicken pox.
It is recommended to get the chicken pox vaccine in this case.
Local stories reflecting the decade include a small pox outbreak, the Promettes on the seafront and Teddy Boy fashion filtering down from London.
Since she reportedly never contracted chicken pox as a child, she was at higher risk for developing severe symptoms and complications including pneumonia.
It is so contagious, that very few unimmunized individuals escape this common disease when they are exposed to someone with active chicken pox.
Dr. SPIESEL: Once you get chicken pox, for the rest of your life you'll carry it in a latent form, the chicken pox virus.
For children, roughly 9 out of 10 children vaccinated with a single dose of the chicken pox vaccine will develop immunity against chicken pox.
With her patent-attorney boyfriend she met at a Mensa event, she heads from Zombie Pox to Suburbia, an intricate strategy game of competitive urban planning.
WSJ: The Games Smart People Play | Mind Games | By Alexandra Peers
Within four days of exposure, she had pox on her hand.
FORBES: A Pox On Your House? How Fighting One Disease Brought Back Another
Syd, have you heard of this phenomenon called chicken pox parties?
Usually, the symptoms are at first so similar to those of chicken pox that parents simply wait for them to disappear without consulting a physician.
Merck's vaccine is a supercharged version of the chicken pox vaccine.
The antibodies give you protection against the chicken pox virus.