Leuco thought it was a prank, until he saw that the message indeed derived from Vatican City.
However, he said that the chances of this particular prank being foreseen were "very low indeed".
Many media organizations played the audio tape of the prank call in part or its entirety.
CNN: Nurse death sparks outrage, casts glare on 'shock jocks'
To my Web-savvy friends, I looked like a rube who had fallen for a prank.
Helmsman Ian Rowan said the prank on Monday could have resulted in a death.
But this year, the senior prank has been no laughing matter at schools around the country.
The day after the PBS prank, the group began tweeting a series of warnings to Sony.
My idea for our first prank was "ante-temporal search, " a breakthrough development that anticipated user requests.
His co-presenter at the time of the prank, Mel Greig, is still off the air.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will investigate several complaints about the pre-recorded prank.
This happened at Domino's Pizza last year when a prank video became a YouTube sensation.
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To wonder if it was actually a prank of some kind, a pitch-perfect Onion-style parody.
The prank call was pre-recorded before it was assessed by lawyers and broadcast on 2Day FM.
He then used the software secrets he obtained to perpetrate his next prank.
In that case, a developer played a prank, there was no web site hack or related problem.
Mr. Hornsby was so surprised he thought one of his friends had pulled a prank on him.
Mr. Phoenix's prank underscores one of the main risks of the in-character promotional strategy, marketing executives say.
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Weiner initially released written statements claiming that he was the victim of a hacker and a prank.
He described the second picture as a "Halloween prank" in which "he had dressed up as a pirate".
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Whether the Easter Egg is a hack, a marketing stunt, or a prank by internal developers remains unclear.
Prank phone calls and other practical jokes have long been a form of entertainment on radio and television.
CNN: Nurse death sparks outrage, casts glare on 'shock jocks'
Mercer model of prank calls: Let the person in on the joke before things spiral out of control.
In the background, Silvio Santos laughs while the victim of the prank, each and every one, runs away!
He warned that prank 999 calls were a crime and said people had been prosecuted in the past.
Daniel said he thought it was a prank when a caller earlier this week introduced himself as "Cardinal Jorge".
Well, unless I wanted to play a prank on my wife I guess.
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The expression itself is something of a prank--historians say he never said it.
"Look, this is a prank and not a terribly creative one, " Weiner says.
Mr Jacques came up with the idea of re-staging the prank to "add interest" to the car club's annual rally.