Mitchell, is preaching the power of "services"--a familiar bromide and ostensible refuge for commodity industries.
Every time she is at these green events, it's preaching to the already converted.
Indeed, white southern Christianity seems more Christian since its preachers stopped preaching white supremacy.
Mr Bird's political speeches had the rhythm of forceful preaching, with frequent references to God.
Anne Weyman, chief executive of the Family Planning Association said preaching abstinence was not the answer.
He sits in his cell preaching the word of the Lord to those in need.
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To prod employees into action, some management gurus are preaching the virtues of failure.
Music to the ears of those of us who have been preaching this for years.
Team Obama has provided, and is preaching, a demonstrated recipe for stagnation and unemployment.
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All along, Andersen has been preaching that on the Web, speed is of the essence.
The speakers at Porto Alegre, like those in New York, were preaching to the converted.
His preaching disturbed the authorities, but won him plaudits within the black liberation movement.
They sit down with the children and scold them for their missteps while preaching good behaviour.
In the 1830s he began preaching the importance of diet in a virtuous life.
Has the preaching brought any benefit to the poor that Mr Haq clearly cared about?
But anyone who scours Mr Straw's paper in search of preaching will be disappointed.
One day as VP of sales I was preaching to one of my reps on the phone.
Traveling the world, preaching the gospel of using proper stemware, Mr. Riedel is indeed a true believer.
His preaching, his ministry, and the 50-member strong gospel choir make it the largest church in the city.
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This grateful gesture demonstrates that Marcus was not only preaching a selfless philosophy but living one as well.
While preaching, he often would dance, weep, make animal sounds, strip to his underwear, or play the zither.
Moreover, the Bible offers very little detail about Jesus's daily life when he wasn't preaching or performing miracles.
Tahirul Qadri's flamboyant preaching style and expensive television campaigns have raised his profile in Pakistan in recent weeks.
Only last month, in front of 11 African leaders, he was preaching open borders and a single currency.
Preaching Christ crucified will increasingly come across as a stumbling block to lukewarm Christians and folly to secularists.
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Mr. Ghali says he sacked a second imam in 2000 for preaching too much about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Mr Qadri's flamboyant preaching style and expensive television campaigns have raised his profile in Pakistan in recent weeks.
If preaching abstinence with a convert's zeal really does prevent infection, that will have been a valuable lesson.
For the Dutchman, observes Mr Spivey, art was the extension of gospel preaching.
When the IRS had enough it went to court to enjoin the Head Minister from preaching his no-tax mantra.