On Mr Brown's watch, these methods have been reinforced by another Labour trait, sometimes submerged but now predominant: a harsh, myopic party tribalism.
Based on these findings, Dr Jiao and his colleagues propose that AAPB, and possibly other, similar microbes, have a predominant role in pumping carbon into a pool of compounds that cannot be turned back into carbon dioxide by living creatures, thereby building up a large reservoir that keeps carbon out of the atmosphere.
That includes the 2007-08 and 2003-04 seasons, which also saw a predominant H3N2 strain.
Using his emotional reaction to a song, he will choose a predominant color and stick with it.
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Organizations get themselves into trouble when they fail to agree on and communicate a predominant decision style for critical decisions.
But MPs have expressed fears that public participation in 2012 could be diminished by a predominant emphasis on the elite athletes' involvement.
Even in our pleasantly postfeminist era, in which pretty much everyone wears jeans, the predominant image of a fashionable, dressed-up woman is still a feminine one: heels, dresses, makeup.
This means that when a story (or video game) resonates with a large contingent of the human population we should assume that it is effectively describing a predominant psychological reality.
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While the greenback will continue to play a predominant role in world trade, there can be no doubt that slowly, but surely, central banks will rely less and less on it.
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Ten years ago there were approximately 12, 000 FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) insured Banks and Thrifts (financial institutions with a predominant consumer emphasis) in the U.S. That compares with 8, 000 banks today.
Coke has come under increased fire over the past year as a predominant target of an anti-obesity crusade, led in large part by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, also known as the CSPI.
The significant and continuous tension between self-interest and ideals has been a constant, predominant strain in American foreign policy for over 200 years.
The predominant attitude has been: let a person make as much money as he can, provided he earns it.
"With the western governments you've got the view which is predominant that they've got a duty of care towards the hostages, " he added.
Cranberries and strawberries became the predominant crops, salt harvesting developed into a significant industry, and a fleet of whalers called the port home.
To be sure, single mothers are swimming against the tide in a culture that in its predominant narrative declares our children are liabilities in society, not blessings.
Thus, alone among the big businessmen who came to be known as "the oligarchs, " Berezovsky found himself personally involved in a turf war between Moscow's predominant gangster families.
As of January 5, the CDC said Friday, the predominant virus in the United States was an influenza A (H3N2) virus that matched well with the H3N2 virus represented in the vaccine.
But I suspect if we look at teams that went deep into the NFL playoffs in recent years, most had no worse than a balanced attack, and several had predominant passing games.
"I have reached the firm conclusion that Mr Ashby's predominant purpose for bringing these proceedings was to pursue a political attack against Mr Slipper and not to vindicate any legal claim he may have, " Federal Court Justice Steven Rares said.
BBC: Australian court rejects sex case against former Speaker
It targets a strain of the HIV virus that is predominant only in Europe and Asia.
Mr. Lieber said a slower-than-anticipated recovery has made for a more-challenging environment, and "the predominant factor" affecting all new projects is that companies are increasingly choosing to renew their leases instead of move.
Each of us is a blend of these types, although one is certainly predominant in how we prefer to get information.
At the core of the predominant current Western assessment lies the assumption that Gorbachev is, at a fundamental level, a Western rationalist in a modern mold.
And despite Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt's hope that "self-driving cars should become the predominant mode of transportation in our lifetime", it could be that even a small risk could be too much for some people to be comfortable removing the driver completely.
Hotel occupancy has increased by approximately 8% and air traffic by 7.6% in the same period, indicating that whereas there has been an increase in tourism also helping boost the economy, the predominant increase in the types of visas issued are those for residency, generating a secondary boom in this city.
Then there's the paid model, predominant in the U.S., in which mobile carriers provide premium TV shows to subscribers for a fee.