Mrs Prentice said better security would help preserve "confidence in the integrity of the system".
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Election night dramas 'will stay'
But constitutional affairs minister Bridget Prentice told the BBC postal vote fraud was rare.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | UK post vote fraud claims probed
Hospital spokesman Mark Prentice said people who did not have an emergency should always consider alternatives.
Miles Prentice III is the Chairman of the Center for Security Policy's Board of Directors.
Dr. ROSS PRENTICE (Biostatistician): The group with higher than, say, 35%, they made a bigger dietary change.
In Chicago, Northwestern University is demolishing the Bertrand Goldberg-designed Prentice Women's Hospital over the objections some opponents.
Mr Prentice says that it is possible that sedentary, poorly nourished youths will die before their parents.
Jamie Lumber, 23, of Warren Road, Torquay, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm against his partner Jacqueline Prentice.
BBC: Sentencing after pregnant girlfriend jumped from window
But Mr Prentice had a warning for those in the union movement who wanted to split with Labour.
That decision has alarmed Jim Prentice, Canada's environment minister, who wants the highest environmental standards to be applied.
Gordon Prentice (Pendle, Labour)asked if the UK needed more single sex Muslim schools.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | BBC Parliament | Prime Minister's Questions
Mrs Prentice said the secret inquests would comply with the Human Rights Act, even when material was not disclosed publicly.
Miss Prentice asked him to stop smoking for fear of breaching their tenancy agreement and started to call the police.
BBC: Sentencing after pregnant girlfriend jumped from window
Mr Prentice later challenged Mr Brown about the time, but the witness said he was "sure it was that Friday".
Mr Prentice and his counterparts from other Arctic states met in Greenland this week, to discuss offshore drilling among other topics.
Researcher Ross Prentice says there were differences among certain groups of women.
Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul Qadir Mohammed Jasim signed the agreements on Tuesday with UK Ambassador Christopher Prentice and Australian ambassador Robert Tyson.
As a one-time member of a federal claims commission, Jim Prentice, the new minister of Indian and northern affairs, has wide experience of aboriginal affairs.
Mr Prentice said it was not known how fast the Passat was travelling when it crashed on Drumcross Road, near its junction with Limefield Road.
BBC: Stuart Cunningham admits killing Raul Escribano in crash
Mrs Sharkey told prosecutor Alex Prentice QC that Bridget had been taken to a friend's house for a sleepover, but had later asked to come home.
Andrew Prentice, professor of international nutrition at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, reckons that the thrifty gene is widespread among the human race.
Jim Prentice, the industry minister, wants to build a new bridge between Windsor and Detroit to supplement the existing one and a tunnel, both dating from the 1920s.
Doreen formerly produced multimedia Math programs for Pearson Prentice Hall.
Prosecutor Alex Prentice QC asked Mr Kerr that if gathering information was "so dear to his heart" why he had not then given a statement to police last month.
Miles Prentice III's strong commitment to the defense of the United States and the principles of freedom is underscored by his longtime support for the Center for Security Policy.
Mr Prentice's warning comes on the day that Prime Minister Tony Blair makes a keynote speech to the Fabian Society where he will stress the need to reform public services.
Karen Prentice of the Scotch Whisky Association - the body which represents the industry - says that, if Tesco is committed to lowering prices, it is going about it the wrong way.
According to Brian Prentice, research vice president of Gartner, the near sourcing trend is partly driven by the onset of new European Union (EU) initiatives set to be adopted next year.
FORBES: Outsourcing the Outsourced: New Ziptask platform looks to disrupt outsourcing industry
Advocate depute Alex Prentice QC, prosecuting, said her neighbour, Steven Morris, had to jump for his life as the skidding car hit the kerb as he returned home from a local chip shop.
BBC: Stuart Cunningham admits killing Raul Escribano in crash
In a video message, Christopher Prentice, Britain's ambassador to Iraq, insisted the government was committed to working for the release of the hostages and urged anyone with information about their whereabouts to come forward.