And interesting, too, Alex, that--we've been down this path before with these two presidents.
Discomfort on the part of college and university presidents is also part of the problem, said Gibralter.
I'm just saying this President, as all Presidents before him, took pride in prioritizing.
Sometimes presidents must aim for a voice of calm, reassurance in a terrible world.
The two presidents give off different vibes but share abundant confidence and varied interests.
She's as comfortable with a farrier as she is with presidents and prime ministers.
More likely, the two presidents discussed the prospects for establishing even more ambitious chemical weapons restrictions.
In this environment college presidents worry more about catching up and keeping up than about costs.
Presidents, prime ministers, and business leaders have taken the places of kings, bishops, and knights.
Once named for presidents and football coaches, stadiums now sell "naming rights" to the highest bidder.
One of the other people at the table asked who were her favorite U.S. Presidents.
That might encourage the reluctant Polish and Czech presidents to sign (see article).
The impoverished Andean nation has thrown out three presidents in the past 10 years.
So, admittedly, are most new presidents, though one should not exult in the fact.
Five, or sometimes six, European presidents or prime ministers spoke for two-and-a-half minutes each.
Mr Bush outdid previous Republican presidents in recruiting his personnel from the conservative counter-establishment.
Both Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt get credit for creating the Reconstruction Finance Corp. during the 1930s.
Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton each lost one cabinet appointee during their first terms.
It is odd, therefore, that presidents who need that authorization badly should forgo pursuing it.
"There is no doubt I have more fun in the Presidents Cup, " he said.
Currently, the business is organized around merchandise classification and managed by five coalition presidents.
It's been used by many past Presidents -- Republican and Democrat -- for many decades.
Constitutional history is full of examples where presidents justified extraordinary actions by extraordinary circumstances.
Kennedy became presidents, even though one had a baby face and the other didn't.
Presidents usually need bipartisan support to get 60 votes, and bipartisanship is almost impossible nowadays.
But at the same time, all presidents are to some extent guardians of the institution.
Fan letters to Mr. Patterson from past presidents cover a wall of a downstairs bathroom.
Aides describe a friendship between the two ex-presidents that almost resembles a father-son relationship.
Successive presidents have agreed that this is a good way to promote American interests.
Mr. Rivkin, who served in the Justice Department under Presidents Reagan and George H.
WSJ: Rivkin and Whelan: Birth-Control Mandate��Unconstitutional and Illegal