Solicitor Jeremy Tricks said it could mean clients being or feeling pressurised to plead guilty.
She said her findings highlighted the scale of problems in "overcrowded and pressurised" local prisons.
The problem is that air heats up when pressurised and cools down when expanded.
But conditions would be squeezed and spartan, with no room for pressurised space suits.
"Growing up is difficult and painful and we live in a pressurised society, " she said.
And the hospital pressurised the health regulator not to make criticisms in the Sibert report public.
"The sub-sea well has been shut in, and the flow line is being de-pressurised, " he added.
Instead of a pressurised gas container, the backpack uses a lithium-ion battery to power the airbag with a fan.
That's not the case and he has not been in any way pressurised to leave the house.
The ATV has two major divisions - a pressurised payload unit, and an avionics and propulsion unit.
They will go into the pressurised vessel to obtain food, clothing and equipment when they need it.
Dr Howitt-Wilson said he fully accepted that Mrs Pretty was not being pressurised into ending her own life.
"It felt pressurised being the favourite tonight but the pressure helped me to focus and go faster, " he said.
Indicating the game's pressurised atmosphere, three players were booked inside the first half-hour as emotions bubbled near the surface.
As the cartridges that inflate the bags are pressurised, they are not allowed onto aeroplanes flying within the US, even as checked luggage.
He said he had to put Lincoln County Hospital on an emergency footing, or red alert, but felt pressurised by health executives.
Some said they preferred the less structured, pressurised environment of arts subjects.
After a five-year process, regulators have said the European Pressurised Reactor, designed by two French firms, is safe and environmentally sound.
Every Tour golfer wants to play in the Solheim Cup, but few players have any idea just how tense and pressurised the event can be.
Many borrowers claim that they were pressurised into buying these products.
One email from Ms Briscoe to Mr Dillon on 30 November 2010 explained that the "relevant person" had been "bullied and pressurised" into taking Huhne's points.
Your ship has airlocks opening out into the vacuum of space, and an oxygen generator to keep the pressurised areas of the ship supplied with air.
FORBES: Three Games For The Sick: Things To Do As Gamers When You're (Half) Dead
James' book was described as the perfect antidote to parents who feel pressurised to keep up with other parents in order to have the brightest baby.
BBC: It is the only book award voted for entirely by children
Many GPs have told The Investigation they feel that they are being pressurised to prescribe statins to patients some of whom have almost no chance of benefiting.
All it really means is that banks are being pressurised into providing more credit to the economy than they take out of it, but with small business lending.
In the dying stages, Neil Brew and Rob Higgitt pressurised Brian Liebenberg into a mistake and combined to put Brew over in the corner for a clinching try.
They are pressurised to confirm and there is the opportunity.
Commenting on his letter, Mr Moore said teachers and schools were being pressurised to deliver around five and a half hours of intense education to every child, every day.
Jackson put his side level with 10 minutes gone before adding another three points after Marty Holah was penalised for hands in the ruck as Saracens pressurised the Ospreys line.
The National Union of Students said it would be "deeply concerned" if students were being pressurised into working as escorts, "either by particular organisations, or by the more general pressures of student debt".