It also requires changing the conditions that breed resentment and allow extremists to prey on despair.
Some services prey on desperate consumers, claiming to be nonprofit agencies and charging exorbitant fees.
Hobbes believed that humans are driven to attack and prey on one another mainly by fear of uncertainty.
Although the techniques of cyber crime have evolved, online criminals prey on human vulnerabilities like criminals throughout the ages.
Lions don't normally attack full-grown elephants, but they sometimes prey on elephant calves.
Florida has record numbers of foreclosures and mortgage scams that prey on Latinos, older Americans, and too many others.
WHITEHOUSE: A Conversation with the South Florida Latino Community
Koh Phangan also attracts local criminal gangs that prey on the vulnerable party-goers.
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The problem most people have with the credit system is that it does in many cases prey on the ignorant.
This makes them a threat in the eyes of feudal landlords and rural moneylenders who prey on illiterate low-caste villagers.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Subcontinental Drift: The Mind of the Mob
But the program to reintroduce them drew strong opposition from area ranchers, who feared the wolves would prey on their livestock.
Michael Brewer, 67, who was awarded the OBE in 1995, is alleged to have abused his position to prey on girls.
They both amplify and prey on something we humans like about ourselves.
Hen harriers are one of the most persecuted raptors because they prey on game birds, such as grouse, according to the RSPB.
Are some major brands supporting pirate sites that prey on other brands?
FORBES: Are Google, Yahoo And Major Brands Really Supporting Online Piracy?
Bottom-feeders prey on young lobsters, but they also prey on sea urchins.
Since the ban, the bugs have boomed, emerging from the shadows to prey on the warm bodies of unsuspecting travellers across the world.
Companies are more than willing to prey on the deepest fears of parents, and parents seem all too willing to buy into these promotions.
There are rumors of rogue walruses that prey on seals, puncturing them with their tusks, then sucking out the fat with their powerful mouths.
But ranchers and farmers in Wyoming have long argued that wolves prey on their livestock and want to be able to control the population.
Bald eagles, for example, will prey on any cranes that are injured or left behind when the roosts fly to the fields for feeding.
Van Engelsdorp poked around inside it, looking for signs of wax moths or small hive beetles, insects that prey on weak colonies, but found none.
Such claims prey on reader ignorance of standard telecom business models.
FORBES: Why Communities Should Decide What Telecom Networks They Have
For all the debate about Lampard, his absence was irrelevant in the opening exchanges as Drogba used all his physical presence to prey on Valencia's weaknesses.
Some have speculated that overfishing, pollution or rising ocean temperatures may have depleted the kinds of fish that prey on Nomura's jellyfish in the polyp stage.
No one was injured in the fire Monday, but the blaze set the cruiseliner adrift at sea in a region where Somali pirates prey on ships.
"Kestrels, buzzards and even foxes hunt for prey on this stretch of coastline and I didn't want them picking up and eating contaminated birds, " Mr Hockett added.
Ranchers say the wolves prey on their livestock, and they argue that the program is unnecessary because there is already a viable wolf population in the area.
Hotter summers could result in more insects and parasites that prey on the caribou, which could then also reduce the annual caribou harvest by local indigenous peoples.
Unscrupulous advisors prey on the elderly who, living off of a fixed income, are very sensitive to taxes as a meaningful factor over which they have no control.