The holding accounts for 1.4% of his portfolio, and the stock price has declined 8% from the average price.
While the yield looks very attractive at the current levels as the share price has declined more than 6% this year, but without earnings growth, we remain concerned about future distributions.
Long championed as a source of both capital protection and upside appreciation (especially during the financial crisis and resulting recession), the price of gold has declined while equity markets surged to five-year highs.
Within the last thirty years, the price of food has drastically declined, prompting people to consume more.
Food has declined in price that much relative to other prices in just my own lifetime.
FORBES: The Complete Stupidity Of The Looming Dairy Cliff: Milk To $7 A Gallon
Over the past year, as interest rates have inched up and there have been concerns about credit quality, the price of some bond funds has declined as these risks all reared their heads.
At least the price of tags and readers has steadily declined since the implementation of the Gen2 standard.
The average price for a gallon of gas has declined, but gas prices remain high enough to drive many consumers toward fuel-efficient models.
Facebook, in a so-called quiet period following its offering, has declined to comment on the share-price decline.
The stock has since declined 6% from his average purchase price.
Since reaching its peak price during the fall of 2011, the gold ETF GLD has declined in the neighborhood of 28%, and was even lower before a bounce off of lows early in the week.
FORBES: Markets: 'What Do We Need Gold For?' (And Other Quotes Of The Week)
Since the issue date, two things have happened: The bond price has appreciated 4.8% in Singapore dollars, and U.S. dollars have declined 3.7% to 1.65 Singapore dollars.
They cannot actually set a reference price for globally traded crude oil, and what ability they once had to balance the market has declined as traders have become more skeptical that the Kingdom is ready and willing to ramp up its production as much as it says it can.
Because value has been stagnant, the value (price) to revenue, earnings and cash flow have all declined, making Apple cheaper than ever.
Their wealth has dwindled mightily in the past decade as the carmaker's profits have evaporated and its share price declined.