Of course, for the majority of his time in power the prime minister presided over the greatest centralisation of power in our public services since the Attlee government.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech
Nicolas Tiangaye, an opposition figure who became prime minister under power-sharing accords signed in January, was to remain in the post.
Voters in the Jewish state overwhelmingly supported conservative parties over more moderate groups, bringing into power Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this year.
Mr Berlusconi's main ally, Umberto Bossi of the Northern League, whose votes keep the prime minister in power, was noticeably absent from the chamber during his speech.
After the previous general election, in 1993, Prince Ranariddh was made first prime minister, with Mr Hun Sen sharing power as second prime minister.
Presiding over a party at war with itself, she would struggle to assert power as prime minister.
The legislation limits the prime minister's power to call an early general election, setting the date of the next poll as 7 May 2015.
It is uncertain how much power the prime minister will have in the coalition government, which is an alliance between two parties that oppose him.
It is a bold aim, given that the figure was over 250, 000 in the 12 months to June 2011, higher than when the prime minister came to power.
ECONOMIST: Farewell, big society; hello, guest workers on sufferance
By staying in power as prime minister, argues Boris Makarenko of the Centre for Political Technologies, Mr Putin at least has a chance to revise the legacy of his rule.
Furthermore, the costs would be shared by key suppliers, such as Thales (power conversion prime), GS Yuasa (battery supplier), and Securaplane (a Meggitt subsidiary in charge of the battery charger), as their recent market sell-off indicates.
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And as an observer of Russia, I know you know that our policy towards Russia, our engagement with Russia, the reset policy, if you will, has obviously proceeded with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin in power.
When Prime Minister Mario Monti took power, he put the issue at the centre of his programme.
He would also lower the voting age to 17, and lessen the personal power of the prime minister.
But, first, we head to Pakistan, where elections were just held and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif regained power.
It is that a conviction has gripped much of society that the prime minister will stay in power indefinitely.
Mr Harper has been able to get things done partly because he centralised more power in the prime minister's office.
On Tuesday, Northern Ireland's first and deputy first ministers met the prime minister over devolving the power to set the rate of the tax.
And it could be objected that Mr Casini's plan for a grand coalition to keep in power an unelected prime minister is democratically questionable.
It would have the power to sack prime ministers and parliaments.
But he will have to jostle for power with former prime ministers Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, who have just returned from exile and want to return to office.
With American approval, the prime minister has consolidated his power.
As Corsicans considered proposals made by Lionel Jospin, the French prime minister, to devolve power to the island, two moderate Corsican nationalists were shot dead in broad daylight.
It's a fragile peace because the underlying issue that sparked weeks of violence has not been settled - a Shiite power struggle between Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
The Congolese government, which is holding talks with rebel leaders at Sun City, a South African resort, proposed that President Joseph Kabila should share power with a prime minister chosen from the rebel groups.
The power is linked to the coalition government's plans to introduce five-year fixed term parliaments, under which the prime minister would lose the power to dissolve parliament at a time of his or her choosing.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said Labour's plans would return the country "to the mess" it found itself in before the coalition took power while deputy prime minister Nick Clegg said Labour has "retreated into the comfort of opposition" and was promising more "reckless spending, borrowing and debt".
They are calling for an immediate moratorium on new appointments, a new cap so that the Lords never has more than 750 members, a new mechanism that would allow peers to retire, and fresh curbs on the power of a prime minister to appoint so many peers in the first place.
Philip Johnson's legendary and persuasive charm was a prime tool in his arsenal of power.
WSJ: Philip Johnson: Short of Attention Span, Long on Aesthetics