Bridgewater Associates, LP advises certain private investment funds and institutional investors.
When private bank investment funds plummeted further than the market in 2008, clients were finally shaken out of their complacency.
As a mortgage servicer, Nationstar provides administrative functions on loans held by banks, government organizations, private-investment funds and other owners of mortgage loans and securities.
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Hedge funds, including fund of funds, are generally unregistered private investment partnerships, funds or pools that may invest and trade in many different markets, strategies and instruments (including securities, non-securities and derivatives).
Private equity funds and investment banks acquire hundred-million-dollar-plus equity stakes in utility-scale wind farms and solar tax equity funds.
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In 2006, the company was sold to Delphi Acquisition Holding I BV, a private equity investment vehicle of funds managed by 3i Investments.
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It provides global financial and economic data and a variety of analytical applications to investment managers, hedge funds, investment bankers, private equity companies, and other investors.
Private equity funds are unregulated investment vehicles formed to facilitate investments in listed and unlisted shares and other securities.
The National Infrastructure Plan will be financed by British pension funds and private investment, as well as from further cuts in the present spending round.
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Typically investors in private equity funds and other alternative investment vehicles expect a full payback within ten years.
Recovering Asian economies, for the moment, are relying more on bond issues and funds from private portfolio investment than on bank loans.
However, private investment vehicles, such as hedge funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds and mezzanine funds, also benefit from the JOBS Act.
The case comes amid heightened scrutiny of hedge funds and other private investment pools for the rich, particularly given the booming deal market and accusations of insider trading.
It also comes one week after a group led by U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson published a report recommending there was no need for greater regulation of hedge funds and other private investment pools.
Unlike other financial reform that curb activities, the Volcker Rule prohibits federally insured banks from engaging in specific business lines: proprietary trading and investment in hedge funds and private equity funds.
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Real-estate investment trusts and specialised private-equity funds, which have been scrambling to buy property in swanky districts of big cities, such as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, where prices are booming, also have lots of debt.
The U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corps, OPIC, headed by Rob Mosbacher, will work with the financial community to create several new private equity funds that will mobilize up to a billion dollars of additional private investment in Africa.
In both private equity and venture capital funds, any investment bought must ultimately be sold.
In addition, the SEC amended rules to expand disclosure by investment advisers, particularly about the private funds they manage.
That still leaves one outstanding thorny question: whether the modern trend to stick private banks together with riskier investment banks and hedge funds still makes sense.
Private equity funds clearly do not suit every investment portfolio.
The funds are run by ARA Asset Management, an Asian firm that specializes in management of publicly traded real estate investment trusts as well as private real estate funds.
This brings the total of advisors to private funds that are registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to 4, 061, out of a total of 11, 002 advisers across asset classes and investment styles.
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One of the greatest private equity deals going, an investment in Molycorp, belongs to little-known private equity firm Resource Capital Funds, headquartered in Denver.
Vincent Pluvinage, who recently left his position as head of private equity at IV after four years, confirms the investment lockups for IV's funds are longer than the ten-year period usually associated with private equity investments.
For hedge funds, investment banks, and private equity outfits looking to hire candidates with particular qualifications, StreetID could prove to be a boon.
Between them, the government, the pension funds and the banks risk crowding out private investment.
In 2007, GDP grew an estimated 6.5%, based on rising private consumption, a jump in corporate investment, and EU funds inflows.
With once-active players such as Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. no longer around, some private-equity funds and commercial mortgage real-estate investment trusts have sought to fill the void.
We included only contributions from commercial banks, the securities and investment industry (which includes private equity companies, hedge funds and venture capital firms) and finance and credit card companies.