School vouchers would allow parents to use public funds to pay for places in private schools - and it has been proposed as a way of providing an alternative to failing inner-city schools.
Instead of having just two kinds of schools, public or private, America will have a palette of choice, including voucher-redeeming public schools, voucher-redeeming private or parochial ones, quasi-public charter schools, quasi-private charter schools and home learning.
And secular groups also point out that while state school pupils are "protected" from creationist teaching, similar guidelines do not exist to cover children who attend private religious schools - Christian, Jewish and Muslim.
However, successive and continuing government policies (and again this is an international phenomenon) of privatisation, contracting out, public-private partnerships, the private finance initiative, academy and free schools - all aspects of the private provision of public services - have increasingly entwined the public and private sectors and now focused attention on how far freedom of information should reach.
The state authorities have also ordered the closure of all government-run and private schools till 14 January - postponing the new school term by a week.
Last week, authorities in Bihar state ordered the closure of all government-run and private schools until 14 January - postponing the new school term by a week.
And that is that in most states you now have a mechanism where you set up a public school -- so this is not private schools, these are public schools receiving public dollars -- but they have a charter that allows them to experiment and try new things.
The Network comprises some 9, 500 educational institutions, ranging from public and private pre-schools, primary, secondary and vocational schools to teacher training institutes, in rural or urban settings.
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Bryn Austin from Harvard's School of Public Health mapped all the schools in Chicago--kindergartens through high schools, public and private--and also mapped where the fast-food restaurants are located in the city.
State high school associations nationwide are debating whether to split public and private schools in the playoffs, particularly in football, because of private-school dominance that the public schools say is unfair because they, unlike their private colleagues, can recruit, er, attract players from outside a geographical boundary.
FORBES: Despite Comparisons To Holocaust, Segregation, Louisiana Divides HS Football Playoffs
The new Gaza law deprives teachers and parents of that choice, imposing gender segregation on private co-ed schools.
Private schools are mostly over-subscribed, poorly paid and staffed by badly trained teachers.
Others, such as James Tooley, a British academic who advises a chain of low-cost for-profit schools in India, say private-sector education in poor countries routinely outperforms the free, taxpayer-subsidised version.
This program will provide extra help to middle- and high school students who fall behind in reading and math, expand Advanced Placement programs in low-income schools, and invite math and science professionals from the private sector to teach part-time in our high schools.
It is unclear, though, that Sweden's supply-side revolution can be replicated without letting private firms run state-funded schools, as that country does. (The Tories have decided that allowing schools to make profits from taxpayers would be a bad headline too far.) With public finances likely to be tight for years to come, this decision may constrain new capacity, since non-profit schools cannot finance start-up costs by borrowing against future income.
But Ritholtz would happily match her program with almost any of the high-priced private schools.
Coverdells can also be used for K-12 private schools, but even there seem rather pointless.
"I always preferred private and fee-paying schools for those in that sector, " he said.
Private, for-profit schools are a reality - and they perform both well and badly.
My daughter and niece both go to separate well-known private schools, and they both have sports programs.
Singer hopes that this will pressure higher-priced private schools to cut their costs to more reasonable rates.
To see how little this corresponds to middle-class Greek reality, you need only visit one of the flourishing and over-subscribed private schools in greater Athens.
Many of the black elite, who send their children to English-speaking private schools or former white state schools, may accept English emerging as the sole national language.
Many residents are also attracted to the area by the proximity of several well-regarded private schools, including the Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Riverdale Country Day School and the Horace Mann School.
High-priced private schools usually offer smaller class sizes.
In fall 2011, the Florida High School Athletic Association began offering a public-only Class 1A in six sports, including football, with private schools going no lower than 2A in its eight-class system.
Private schools, private management of public schools and the production and distribution of textbooks are just some areas where public-private-partnerships are already active.
In states such as Michigan, close to 80% of charter schools are operated by private for-profit EMOs.