And Mr Roth's prodigious gift for storytelling and character seem to have become eclipsed by his equally prodigious gifts for rage and indignation.
Within 25 years the bass were growing bellies prodigious enough to make Marlon Brando flinch.
Over the past thirty years, startups have been prodigious job creators in this country.
Every great origin story has a combination of two elements, prodigious talent and sacrifice.
As the leading Android vendor, HTC has been growing at a prodigious rate for two years.
In the next decade, prodigious sums of money will be spent trying to "answer" those questions.
Needless to say, predicting the weather with greater precision would provide prodigious money-making opportunities.
Chastain, mother of a four-year-old boy, will now turn her prodigious energy toward Reach Up!
But it is clear that they release prodigious quantities of climate-changing carbon dioxide when they happen.
Careful filtering will slow this prodigious rate down to a few petabytes a year.
ECONOMIST: REPORT: COMPUTER NETWORKS: Computing power on tap | The
The fact remains that the European Parliament itself is a prodigious emitter of carbon.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | EU 'must walk its climate talk'
Mr Vidal's prodigious output has been, as even his warmest admirers must concede, wildly uneven.
By any measure, 30 counts of fraud is a prodigious accomplishment for one guy.
FORBES: Verizon Fraudster Buys Girlfriend Cosmetic Surgeries From Cisco Parts
Mr Daley is happy to wield his prodigious political skills in the airport battle.
Adding to the death spiral is the prodigious amount of junk food consumed during the NFL post-season.
Her campaign chair is former Democratic National Committee chair Terry McAuliffe, a prodigious fundraiser since the 1980s.
Each of these upstarts must prove itself to a suspicious biology establishment, but the possibilities are prodigious.
The man's energies were prodigious, and his ability to work under pressure never ceased to amaze me.
The distances between stops are prodigious and, because of that, the train halts almost anywhere on request.
It also doesn't hurt that in Kelley, Shankman has discovered a prodigious hoofer of the old school.
He had an incredible, prodigious memory that I will not take the time to regale you about.
He was a prodigious letter-writer, a fact of which Mr MacDonogh, in particular, has taken full advantage.
There followed something marvellous to behold: the further, rapid expansion of the former speaker's already prodigious ego.
The love story, published in 1832, was an immediate success and the beginning of a prodigious career.
The poster's creator was Jon Whitcomb (1906-1988), a prominent American artist known for his prodigious drafting skills.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: "I'm proud of you folks too" Poster
But growth is prodigious, with 55 million active users, so eventually things should become really profitable, right?
FORBES: Pandora's Founder Argues Company is Great for Artists, Should Pay Them Less
Whether ongoing prodigious home-run production will temper his compulsion to sprint around the bases remains to be seen.
In TV terms, ZDTV is a prodigious producer--30 hours of original programming every week, aired around the clock.
Abaxis has the potential to become a prodigious disruptive technology, changing the nature and delivery of diagnostic medicine.
But the region gets roughly 30% of its electricity from nuclear power plants, and each plant needs prodigious amounts of water.