When you bring young people and prospective student-athletes onto campus, you want them to feel like what they are coming to our university to do is important to our university.
So what should you do if you are a prospectivestudent contemplating a large financial investment in a college education, but also long to make an immediate and unique impact on the world?
He also has served as chair of the Academic Oversight Committee for Intercollegiate Athletics, which reviews the applications of prospective Rutgers student athletes and monitors their academic progress.
Wattendorf, a senior at Northern Virginia's super-selective Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, stood before prospective members of its Black Student Union in the fall and introduced himself as the club's president.
They're also finding that a robust social media campaign, along with such creative features as student-run blogs, can lure prospective students while a stale online presence can turn them off.