At the end ofthe expert meeting aimed to discuss issues and prospectsof museum development in CIS countries in the context of contemporary culture, expert recommendations were elaborated on further developmentof museum partnership and improvement of museum policies.
Societe General Asset Management senior economist Akio Yoshino said the new development "casts uncertainty over theprospects for the investment stance of foreign investors who had already turned active sellers".
"Although migrant workers are to a large extent adversely affected by the slow growth in the global economy, remittance volumes have remained remarkably resilient, providing a vital lifeline to not only poor families but a steady and reliable source of foreign currency in many poor remittances recipient countries, " agrees Hans Timmer, director ofthe bank's DevelopmentProspects Group.
Exxon has been consistently investing in upstream facilities over 2012, and key examples include the Kearl Initial Development Project for natural gas and offshore oil prospects such as the Phobos in the Gulf of Mexico.
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