They're a protected species and we respect that but we discourage them from the local airfield.
The police, who take the crime of killing protected species increasingly seriously, were called.
Mr Abbott has labelled him a "protected species as far as this prime minister is concerned".
BBC: The scandal that could bring down Australia's government
They said they were worried about the impact on the environment, landscape and protected species.
Birds of prey are a protected species which means it is illegal to harm or kill them.
Great crested newts became a European Protected Species following a dramatic decline in their population across Europe.
The pesticide was banned and the birds' numbers began to increase again as they became a protected species.
This would also, of course, avoid killing badgers, which are a protected species under UK and EU laws.
BBC: Badger vaccine pilot planned by National Trust in Devon
Under these circumstances, they say, it is unconscionable to export protected species like elephant and rhino to Angola.
Tycanol National Nature Reserve in Pembrokeshire is one of just six sites in Wales where the protected species grows.
The area also has protected species such as the Cantabrian brown bears, woodpeckers as well as unique domestic species.
This amendment and another proposed by the Alliance party to make the Irish hare a protected species both also fell.
Drivers have already endured months of delays while contractors carried out preparation work to cut back vegetation and relocate protected species.
The BBC's Duncan Kennedy in Sydney says it is extremely rare for people to be attacked by saltwater crocodiles - a protected species in Australia.
BBC: Fears for Australia missing girl after crocodile attack
Over the last century bat numbers in Britain declined because of habitat loss and they are now on the European Protected Species List.
The blackbuck is a protected species of small antelope in India.
The European badger (Meles meles) is a protected species under European and UK law, but ministers can sanction killing in certain circumstances, including to tackle disease.
BBC: UK public opposed to badger cull, opinion poll suggests
The developers of the Northern United Colliery site in Cinderford must sign a legal agreement to look after protected species in the area before work starts.
Opponents claim that building a road so close to a site of special scientific interest will damage ancient woodland housing protected species including dormice and bitterns.
BBC: Hastings to Bexhill link road: Protesters' legal bid fails
Especially, one supposes, to those who systematically blasted it to the point of extinction even after it was declared an endangered and protected species in 1973.
The activist organization (that uses the ESA to conserve habitat) looked at 110 protected species from all 50 states to determine how well the Act is working for them.
The wolves gained protected species status in the mid-1970s and about 20 years later, U.S. wildlife officials submitted a plan to reintroduce the wolf into the park, starting with 31 wolves let loose in Idaho.
CNN: Planet in Peril: Environmental Coverage - Special Reports from
The 352 hectares (870 acres) of woodland is said to be home to not only protected species such as the dormouse, but 75 species of birds, 23 species of native butterflies, the wild daffodil, wood anemone and enchanters' nightshade.
The wide range of amendments tried to tackle some of the following areas: modernising game law, improving snaring practice, changing the licensing system for protected species, amending current arrangements for deer management and deer stalking and strengthening protection of badgers.
These predators are protected species and the Sami are prohibited from hunting them if they attack the herd but, says Kenneth, if a reindeer is killed, the Sami are compensated only 50 per cent of its value by the Swedish government.
The lesser black-backed gull and the herring gull are protected species in the EU. There are 6, 500 breeding pairs in the whole of Flanders, according to Eric Stienen, an expert in colony birds at the Flemish Institute for Nature and Forests.
The wide range of amendments considered tried to tackle some of the following areas: modernising game law, improving snaring practice, changing the licensing system for protected species, amending current arrangements for deer management and deer stalking and strengthening protection of badgers.
On Wednesday we got a taste of the kind of crimes this president is prepared to forgive and forget - he issued 14 pardons and commuted two prison sentences - cases of minor fraud, drug offences and over the killing an American bald eagle, a protected species.
These catastrophic conflagrations cost lives--23 firefighters last year--degrade air and water quality, jeopardize federally protected wildlife species and endanger local communities.