The locality lies within a protected zone and Dr Beehler believes its future is secure in the short term.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Science team finds 'lost world'
The tradition has always been that sports is different, a kind of protected zone where athletes compete and no amount of spin can alter their performance on the field.
If the application to the EC succeeds, it would be an offence to sell a Melton Mowbray pork pie not made to the right recipe and made outside the protected zone.
Suspected Shiite extremists hit the U.S.-protected Green Zone for the fourth day this week.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Stillwater has spent her first week in Iraq in the heavily protected Green Zone, the complicated war outside its gates still beyond her grasp.
The war's sixth year begins in Baghdad with rockets falling into the U.S.-protected Green Zone over the weekend, while the overall U.S. military death toll tops 4, 000 after a roadside bombing claims more American lives.
Al-Maliki cast his ballot in Baghdad's Al-Rasheed Hotel, in the highly protected and fortified International Zone.
Before the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the three Israeli communities in northern Gaza provided a buffer zone that protected the adjacent Israeli city of Ashkelon from Palestinian rocket attack by keeping the city out of range of these munitions.
The belief that big euro-zone countries could be protected from attack has been disproved.
The south is also protected by a no-fly zone, up to the 33rd parallel, but this is an area where Iraqi security forces operate openly and organised opposition is weak.
The core area of Achanakmar-Amarkantak consists of the protected forest land while the buffer zone and the transition area are characterised by forests, agricultural and rehabilitated land and small suburban clusters.
At the first Camp David summit, Israel gave up Sinai, but it remained protected by a 120-mile demilitarized zone should Egypt ever change its mind about peace.
The high-resolution picture is of the Rio San Pablo, an ecological transition zone that's marked as a protected area by the National Environment Authority of Panama.
If there is no response, America may also have to consider establishing a no-fly zone over Darfur, like the one that protected the Kurds in Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
He is appealing through the internet to the most enterprising people in Russia, and is inviting Russian and foreign scientists to come and innovate in a specially created zone, called Skolkovo, which would be protected against the rest of the country by a high security wall and honest police.
Kurds have experienced something of a golden age since the 1991 war in Iraq, protected from Saddam Hussein by a US and UK no-fly zone.
Savers would be protected, initially at least, and capital flight to other euro-zone countries would be deterred.
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The urban landscape depicted by Paul Theroux in his classic 1986 novel O-Zone, where the rich live in artificial "green" enclaves protected by private corporate armies from the environmentally devastated areas surrounding them that are populated by the rest, will soon move from fiction to fact.
It is also protected by a huge barrier reef which protects the coast from storms (it is in a hurricane zone).
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He has massed roughly 75, 000-100, 000 troops south of the 36th parallel and northern "no-fly" zone setting the stage for a new genocidal campaign against the Kurds outside of the nominally protected area and, in the absence of concerted allied opposition, in due course inside it, as well.