Farmers within a 1.8 mile (3km) protection zone of Cellardyke - where the infected dead swan was found - were ordered to move their birds inside.
The panel will also have to finalise levels of protection in each zone, as the Marine Bill allows regulators a lot of flexibility in what to prohibit (such as fishing) for which periods of the year.
Similarly the Arab League statement called very explicitly for a no-fly zone and the protection of civilians, as did the U.N.
But what we will not be is in the lead in either the no-fly zone or the civilian protection.
The Macedonian Government has called for extra protection from NATO and a buffer zone similar to the one enforced in southern Serbia to be introduced along the Macedonian-Kosovo border.
The Libyan opposition, for instance, when they met with us and with Secretary Clinton and in their statements called for protection, called for a no-fly zone.
There are a lot of factors that go into the kind of operations that can be implemented on any given day at any hour, in terms of enforcing the no-fly zone and enforcing the provisions of civilian protection.
The coalition that is built around that resolution is built around the call for protection of civilians, enforcement of a no-fly zone, and enforcement of an arms embargo.
And as part of an international coalition, under a U.N. mandate that is almost unprecedented, we went in and took out air defense systems so that an international coalition could provide a no-fly zone, could protect -- provide humanitarian protection to the people on the ground.
They also want an exclusion zone around the hunt kennels in West Grinstead, protection against assault and the laying of false scents on private land.
Security Council Resolution 1973, which calls for the protection of Libyan civilians and the enforcement of a no-fly zone.
Mr Cameron said the government had "clear and strong plans" to bring down the deficit, which were giving "some protection from the worst of the debt storms now battering the euro zone".
And the President and this administration believes that NATO and the coalition, of which we remain a partner, is capable of fulfilling that mission -- of enforcing the no-fly zone, enforcing the arms embargo, and providing civilian protection.