In 1483, Martin Luther, German religious reformer who began the Protestant Reformation, born.
This is the sort of thing that led to the Protestant Reformation.
In Trilling's account, the focus on sincerity arose in the 16th century, with the Protestant Reformation and its emphasis on individual conscience rather than institutional ritual and doctrine.
He likens America's foreign borrowing to the sale of indulgences by medieval Catholic priests for instance, and wonders what will be the financial equivalent of the Protestant Reformation.
It really was analogous to the European protestant reformation.
He wrote the controversial Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences and nailed its pages to the door of Castle Church, an act which many regard as having launched the Protestant Reformation.
Along with the knight or nobleman's grave and skeleton, the excavation has revealed the exact location of the monastery, which was founded in 1230 by Alexander II (King of Scotland 1214-49) and destroyed during the Protestant Reformation in 1558.
Rather, it was the Protestant Reformation that halved the market for illuminated manuscripts, and, combined with the end of the reign of the dukes of Burgundy and the ascent of Spanish rulers in Flanders, disrupted the pan-European network of trade routes and patronage on which illumination depended.
The prohibition of imagery (Iconoclasm) by the Eastern Church in the eighth and ninth centuries (and, after the Reformation, by Protestant sects) was a reaction against the widespread heresy of "real presence" the belief that the image of God or of Christ had itself an aspect of divinity.
As they move among the remnants of Valladolid's former royal splendor, tourists can consider how Spain might have developed had the Counter-Reformation not been so successful in suppressing the nascent Protestant heresy--or what might have happened had there been more men like Salcedo.