Obviously the owners would have been psycho not to take advantage of this angle.
Worst director was Gus Van Sant for his extraordinary scene-for-scene remake of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho.
There was simply nothing I could do to counter the pervasive psycho-autobiographic interpretation of these materials.
The character was reportedly based on serial killer Ed Gein, who also inspired Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho.
This is because these children have not been properly reintegrated and their psycho-social needs unmet.
"I was the psycho kid who worked 15 hours a day until they hired me, " he recalled.
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Elvis Perkins is the son of Anthony Perkins, the actor most famous for his role in Psycho.
He went on to make classics including Psycho, The Birds and North by Northwest and died in 1980.
Peter Harvey, 51, was provoked by pupils during a lesson in July 2009 when they called him a "psycho".
When things spin out of control, they call in MAX-TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division), popularly called the Psycho Squad.
The film will be produced by Edward R Pressman of American Psycho fame.
Who else could get people to dance to the dark "Psycho Killer" and the gospel "Take Me to the River"?
But it's one of the disability words that I choose to avoid using in that way, like its linguistic friend "psycho".
In a nation of psychiatrists and psycho-babble, such suggestions are heretical, yet one of the foremost heretics is herself a psychiatrist.
As with previous incidents, television's psycho-babblers have rushed to condemn the American child's diet of horror movies and war-like video games.
Several studies have revealed significant differences in psycho-social development between children whose mothers had participated in MOCEP and those who had not.
Evaluation studies have demonstrated that MOCEP has been critical in fostering optimal child psycho-social development, as well as child and adult literacy.
The 18k white gold and diamond clip on the cap is in the shape of the knife used in the film, Psycho.
The teaser shows how the Psycho Squad might acquire a new member.
But we didn't realize that there are rules for this kind of work, so we had to understand really what is psycho-social activities.
"What motivates me is the experience of having inadvertently contributed to fads and psycho-diagnosis that have resulted in over-diagnosis and over-treatment, " Frances said.
Salford's reputation was sullied by reports of how Kiaran "Psycho" Stapleton shot Indian student Anuj Bidve on Boxing Day 2011 in a random attack.
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"Dementia has emerged as a major health issue in the territory, " says Dr. Helen Chiu, a professor of psycho-geriatric medicine at the Chinese University.
Miguel Benasayag is a philosopher, psycho-analyst and doctor who fought against the Argentinian dictatorship and was subjected to prison and torture for five years.
Kind of looks like Ronnie from "Jersey Shore" at certain angles with the muscle tee and the hair, except he's not a psycho rage beast?
Perfect for the Master of Suspense, however, and it forms the storyline of Hitch, a movie about the challenges Hitchcock faced when making Psycho.
In 1962, between Psycho and Marnie, his masterworks of raging id, Alfred Hitchcock, a city kid, filled the great outdoors with the embodiment of that impersonal fury.
Children exposed to long-term violence are also at risk for psycho-somatic symptoms such as insomnia and nightmares, as well as prone to addiction and aggressive behaviour.