Throughout her career, Phillips has garnered exclusive interviews with some of the world's most public figures.
Public figures have to choose carefully what they say because it will often come up again.
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Facebook Pages make it easy to stay up-to-date with your favorite public figures and organizations.
FORBES: Facebook responds to advertising-user-photos controversy
Several public figures were added to the growing list of those facing corruption charges.
Pets such as Boo, the self-anointed " world's cutest dog, " are typically classified as Public Figures.
What public figures say on one subject is part of who they are on every subject.
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He needs two seasoned public figures who understand the nature of these challenges at his side.
He has faced several complaints over his show El Bernameg (The Programme), which satirises many public figures.
The fact that public figures like Brown were targeted (for ten years) only intensifies the pressure.
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The company polls consumers about their feelings towards public figures to generate its widely cited Q Scores.
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The charity's chairman Andrew Ketteringham said the findings "send a strong message to politicians and public figures".
Mr Youssef has faced several complaints over his show El Bernameg (The Programme), which satirises many public figures.
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That should put wind in the sails of the many other public figures who suspect they were targets.
Over twenty distinguished scientists and public figures have accepted an invitation to give a keynote address at ESOF2012.
The inquiry has involved consultations with a large number of businessmen, Labour politicians, artists and other public figures.
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They assumed they could say anything they liked about public figures because the public figure could not sue everybody.
Public figures today face an onslaught of correspondence, and signing every letter yourself and legibly is not always possible.
Public figures who are usually spotted only in formal business wear tend to cause waves when they show skin.
Other public figures have been more forceful in taking issue with Pace's comments, making Clinton's non-answer even more problematic.
The end of 2011 has seen the passing of many famous public figures.
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Her strident certainties on Clarence Thomas and Bob Packwood helped to open public figures' private lives to public inspection.
We appreciate the fact that there are public figures out there we can use to help identify our donors.
Some public figures find it easier than others to own up to errors.
More than a few public figures, great minds, and clever rascals have made their views about taxes pretty clear.
Twitter offers verified accounts to help us discern public figures from their imitators.
Most celebrities and public figures are protected by walls of PR, but Nugent just had one assistant making his appointments.
Other public figures pointed to the prowess of their country's athletes as evidence that success comes with effort and determination.
Male public figures who make chauvinistic comments about women are now immediately placed in the public stocks of social media.
Scotland Yard is currently investigating claims that reporters hacked into the messages of celebrities and public figures between 2005 and 2006.
Most people know this is true when it comes to celebrities, public figures and folks you only encounter via online communities.