In Michigan, there have been four pediatric deaths related to the flu, said Angela Minicuci, public information officer for the Michigan Department of Community Health.
Published by the Department of Public Information, the 1, 795-page volume is a comprehensive and authoritative reference work in which policymakers, diplomats, researchers, academics, journalists and other readers will find coverage of the main global political, economic, social and legal developments during the year.
Mr. PAUL BROWN (Deputy Commissioner, Public Information, New York City Police Department): I can relate to the story in many accounts.
Tommy Thompson, a public information officer with the Phoenix Police Department.
He is deputy commissioner for public information for the New York City Police Department.
The Sector for External Relations and Public Information (ERI) and the Africa Department (AFR) ensure liaison with Member States.
Steve Ruda, the public information officer for the Los Angeles City Fire Department, said this fire hit an emotional chord with some of the firefighters.
The shots, fired from multiple guns, started just before 2 p.m. in the Seventh Ward, north of the French Quarter, said Garry Flot, a public-information officer with the New Orleans Police Department.
This week, the Department issued a Request for Information from the public to help inform its work on developing a National Energy Rating Program for existing homes.
The tax department said the information sought had "no overriding public interest" and closed the request.
However, the Information Tribunal overruled the department, saying "the balance of public interest favoured disclosure".
The Department of Agriculture will now hold 300 public meetings around the country to provide information on the proposal.
CNN: White House hopes to ban roads in quarter of National Forests
Wind chill is vitally important information for the public, says Ross Reynolds, senior teaching fellow at Reading University's meteorology department.
Last year, my company developed a mobile app prototype for the Department of Homeland Security under the SBIR program that enables citizens to access DHS-disseminated public information faster and with greater accuracy.
The Information Commissioner said public bodies not involved in dealing with serious crime or national security, such as the Department for Work and Pensions, should have to apply to a court before access was granted.
"What they're trying to find out through this investigation is what government official broke the oath that they signed to protect classified information, " said Matthew Miller, who left the Justice Department in 2011 and is now a public affairs consultant in private practice.
It would rely on information municipalities already provide to the Department of Revenue and require the state to publish this information online in an easily understandable format for public review.