Provide an Endorsement: Public praise can go a long way in showing your appreciation.
There was public praise for British achievement from Alex Salmond too, when he said the NHS had made Britain "great".
The public praise also insured that he kept to himself his ambivalence about the way Lish had edited some of the stories.
The Afghan leader has earned the enmity of many foreign soldiers here by complaining loudly about civilian casualties while offering little public praise for the troops.
WSJ: Ahead of Marjah Offensive, Afghan Officials Sought to Negotiate With Taliban
Clearly, there was no rational basis for Senator Cruz to conclude that such a remark was an expression of public praise for the nomination of Chuck Hagel.
That event brought a tear to the president's eye and it revived memories of King Hussein's public praise for Mr Clinton when announcing the Wye River peace deal at the White House last October.
And rather than suggesting it was folly for AstraZeneca to support this study, they should receive public praise and encouragement for taking a risk and putting the key question about the marginal benefit of their product on the table.
FORBES: AstraZeneca Study is Good News for the Public, Bad News for AstraZeneca
Bloomberg's administration and public health advocates praise the initiatives as bold moves to help people live better.
He says the hijackers used the public address system to praise suspected terrorist ringleader Osama bin Laden, who is believed to head al Qaeda.
CNN: Similarities seen between Indian Airlines, U.S. hijackings
It was not politic to praise the contribution of public servants just after Mr Blair had criticised their conservatism.
Other public-safety officials give qualified praise to storm chasers.
WSJ: Extreme Weather Storm Chasers Create Chaos for Emergency Crews
But The Office, which he writes and directs with Merchant, really brought him to the attention of the public and the critics, who could not heap enough praise on him.
Though Lula has won praise from investors for honouring Brazil's public debt, critics point out that he has done so not by cutting other spending but by collecting record levels of tax.
But the report does praise the work of staff in many areas and said that the public is very happy with the service.
On his most recent visit to the dam site, in October, Mr Li sang his familiar song of praise for the Three Gorges: the dam had sound science and public support behind it.
In some quarters, Japan's swift decision to establish an exclusion zone, initiate monitoring of people and food, and dispense iodine tablets has received praise - and the volume of advice and warnings issued to the public has been very different from the silence that pertained after Chernobyl, despite criticisms from other quarters over the quality and timing of some of the Japanese advice.
This loyal praise from Ms Rabin for the prime minister's moderation reflects the public mood.
Before the drama over the photographs, Prince Harry had won praise from the UK media in recent months for embracing a more central public role in support of the queen in her diamond jubilee year.
Protests against construction of new factories show the Chinese public understands this very well far better than the American elites who like to praise China's government as a green model.
Though the deal backfired, the ANP's attempt to strip the Taliban of public sympathy seems to have worked, as few people in Malakand division have any words of praise for them any more.
RCC, made a public appearance the next day at a poetry festival where honey-tongued bards concocted unctuous rhymes in praise of the regime.
For their efforts, America's journalism establishment lavished praise and awards on the paper and its longtime editor Jim Amoss, including Pulitzer Prizes for public service and breaking news.
However a number of high-profile initiatives, including a London-wide public cycle hire scheme and a plan for a new railway link across the city, soon won him praise.