Two major publishing houses have rushed to release new Rand biographies--by academics, no less--this fall.
Forthcoming shipments include contributions from a wider base including other French publishing houses.
He turned down offers from big publishing houses and stuck with the small firm that first put him in print.
HarperCollins is one of several major publishing houses that are holding back e-book versions of some new hardcover best sellers.
At HarperCollins, Victoria Barnsley says while new technologies are a challenge for the big publishing houses, they are also creating opportunities.
His team sanctioned the first progressive journals and newspapers to appear, and handed out money to publishing houses and the arts.
As more publishing houses and media companies come in for the gold rush, the annoyance for users can just get progressively worse.
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So much for ebooks as a revenue stream for the publishing houses.
He felt strongly enough about Small Things' potential that he was able to auction it among no fewer than eight British publishing houses.
Mainstream publishing houses have long depended for much of their profit on selling backlist titles, books in print for more than a year.
WSJ: Digital Self-Publishing Shakes Up Traditional Book Industry
Nashville is the largest publishing center in the Southeast and one of the largest in the country, especially among religious publishing houses.
Some publishing houses have trimmed back even further, limiting editorial assistance to new writers to proofreading and line editing rather than structural editing.
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But despite the huge growth in e-books in the past few years, the traditional publishing houses are not yet predicting the end of printed book.
The Amazon deal also included seven titles from other publishing houses.
Publishing houses keep relearning this lesson, as editors overspend for the rights to books that match their own appetites, losing track of mainstream American tastes.
Large publishing houses, like Shinchosha and Obunsha, have established strongholds there.
Michael Shatzkin, who consults with publishers about digital books, says the iPad might make self-published books even more competitive with books from the big publishing houses.
But with U.S. publishing houses reluctant to promote any but the most promising among the 180, 000 titles released each year, Konrath feared his offerings would be overlooked.
Conservative journals are full of debates about the meaning of McCainism, and publishing houses are releasing tracts by conservatives trying to point the Party in a new direction.
Regardless, it's clear that traditional publishing houses see the format as a way to reach new readers as well as drawing existing fans back to their old favorites.
So, eschewing traditional publishing houses (and their long lead times), within eight months the team had self-published Action Trumps Everything: Creating What You Want in an Uncertain World.
Another reality that goes against the establishment view of Indie authors is that some of them have, in fact, gone on to sign very significant contracts with major publishing houses.
Among other things, he says, a local event gives New York-based publishing houses an excuse to pitch local media outlets, which in turn are more likely to review the book.
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Pearson and Bertelsmann intend that the combined organisation's level of organic investment in authors and new product models will exceed the total investment of Penguin and Random House as independent publishing houses.
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Some newspapers state that they are published either by their editorial staff, or by publishing houses of the same name, but this does not necessarily mean that they actually own the paper.
He had a Kindle version of his book created by a developer, and last June he offered it at Amazon for a fraction of the price of eBooks from the major publishing houses.
Even trade publications like Publishers Weekly, which I follow closely, have had a role to play, updating the book industry on which publishing houses were open for business, which booksellers were having issues, etc.
Young saw that big publishing houses needed to sell tens of thousands of copies of a book to make a profit, whereas Lulu and its authors make money even when the company sells one book.
Yet even there, in one of the most prosperous regions outside Moscow and St Petersburg, the company that owns Delo and a handful of sister publications is one of only three publishing houses not owned by another business.
Open Access experts from universities, specialized non-governmental organizations, UN agencies and publishing houses will gather together to deliberate on the strategy, present the global trends in OA and identify opportunities to improve access to peer-reviewed research information to all.