Chia Steiner(ph), who came to the mall with her two young children to see a puppet show, agreed.
Last year, the highly popular "Wicked" was bested by "Avenue Q, " a plucky little puppet show that moved from off-Broadway.
They have created, for example, an educational puppet show, illustrating, among other horrors, the dangers of distilling alcohol when there are elephants about: they are boozers as well as gourmands.
Song, a Beijing film student continuing her schooling in Paris, videotapes Simon, to his delight, while Suzanne, who is working on a puppet show, is trying to toss out her nonpaying tenant, a screenwriter friend, to make room for her older daughter, who is arriving from Brussels.
Faizaan Peerzada, COO of Rafi Peer Theater Workshop in Lehore, the local puppet group that developed the show with Sesame Workshop, denied the corruption allegations.
Three to five masters manipulate the ropes controlling a single puppet as musicians provide accompaniment to the elaborate show.
"He's just trying to show that he is not a puppet, " he said.
The Sooty puppet used by Matthew Corbett in his last stage show is to be sold for charity in Dorset.
The Smithsonian already had a Kermit puppet from the "Sesame Street" and "The Muppet Show" era.
"We all live in Mr Punch's shadow and what a strange shadow it is, " laughs Mervyn Millar, UK director of Handspring - the puppet company behind War Horse, which is soon to unveil a new show Crow based on the poems of Ted Hughes.