It took me nearly 10 years to work out the American purport of the word quite.
Instead, most books purport to teach you how to pick winning stocks or time the market.
And several studies purport to show that playing violent video games raises aggression levels.
Such records are not always available in Russia, even in what purport to be legitimate businesses.
The stated purposes of this legislation purport to be as modest as they are seemingly laudable.
And all leave the problems they purport to address--sluggish productivity, poor communication, sagging morale, high turnover--essentially untouched.
They were represented to purport a direct causal fit, suggesting that increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations produce warming.
We are statistically confident that the vast majority of the data are what they purport to be.
More controversial studies purport to link widening income gaps with all manner of ills, from obesity to suicide.
Buckingham Palace told BBC News Online the paintings do not "purport to be an Aboriginal piece of work".
Both parties purport to focus on jobs but sift our time, energy and resources through a regulatory sieve.
My thesis is that if you purport to be a platform, your businss model needs to reflect your platform-ness.
Even in games that purport to critique game violence we have this problem.
They sold six million games over there that purport to teach older people how to use their brains better.
The plaintiffs are a group of 48 villagers who purport to represent an entire region polluted with drilling waste.
Americans like to imitate the French even if we purport to hate them.
That's what these handful of User Agent profiles purport to show us.
Re-evaluate any arrangements you have with investment firms that purport to offer red carpet services exclusively to the wealthy.
The latter purport to govern the international sea beds and, according to some, the oceans and even the airspace above them.
Sadly, however, they cannot do what they purport to do, which is to provide credible benchmarks against which governments can be judged.
Both legislative proposals purport to protect consumers from unreasonably expensive insurance premiums.
Putting that triumph at risk will take its greatest toll on the very individuals whom the NYPD's critics purport to speak for.
WSJ: Heather Mac Donald: How to Return New York City to the Street Gangs
They serve as gatekeepers to funds and purport to offer objective advice.
The Clinton-Yeltsin agreements in Helsinki, meanwhile, purport to draw a fine line.
Apparently, preeminent among the new accords now in the works is an agreement that would purport to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
Beware emails that purport to be from LivingSocial that are actually from malicious parties seeking to take advantage of known customers of the site.
Those measures, which would take us in the direction of the European welfare state, would surely harm just those individuals they purport to help.
Anyone that relied on so-called value-at-risk models, which purport to show how much a firm could lose over a certain period, has been crucified.
How, some people inside and outside Reuters are asking, can we purport to be independent and unbiased when we publish opinion columns and edgy online commentaries?
FORBES: Reuters Chief Addresses Flap Over That Soros Story, Sort Of
The good burghers of restoration England, then, understood what many modern politicians do not, or purport not to: a central bank is part of the state.