For hundreds of years, Jewish Americans have fought heroically in battle and inspired us to pursue peace.
To pursue peace, development and cooperation is the irresistible trend of our time.
When we fail to pursue peace, then it stays forever beyond our grasp.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
As we pursue this goal, we will also pursue peace between Israel and Lebanon, Israel and Syria, and a broader peace between Israel and its many neighbors.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses the UN General Assembly
If we are to avoid a far more dangerous international environment for Americans and their interests in the future, we must elect a president next year who has what it takes to pursue peace through strength.
And diplomatically, the United States and Israel have joined with our Arab partners not only to pursue peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but also to move toward a comprehensive peace characterized by secure borders, energized by regional cooperation, and backed by a world wide effort to increase prosperity for Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs alike.
Most had seen Bush as a reliable friend of Israel, and one who had not pressured Israel to pursue the peace process.
Businessman Alberto Vollmer from Venezuela described how he convinced dozens of dangerous gang members to pursue work and peace instead of killing each other.
But Mr Wolf heads into the job with an advantage his predecessors did not have - an apparent commitment by all the parties involved to pursue a lasting peace after years of violence.
"The key is to pursue all avenues of peace but maintain a focus on the Palestinian track, " she said.
CNN: Rice blasts Iran, says U.S. will pursue tough diplomacy
And particularly now when just one individual can detonate a bomb that causes so much destruction, it is more important than ever that we pursue these strategies for peace.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
Around the world, every humanitarian aid worker must be free to serve without fear for their safety, and every human being must be able to pursue their aspirations in peace, dignity and security.
WHITEHOUSE: Statement by the Press Secretary on World Humanitarian Day
"Just as all eyes are on the Council, so, too, are all eyes on Sudan, and we look to the government to do the right thing and pursue the path to peace, " Khalilzad said.
Mr. RENNIE: (As Klaatu) Your choice is simple: Join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration.
The election call, of course, makes Barak a lame duck in respect to any new peace initiatives with the Palestinians, although the Israeli leader will be inclined to pursue dialogue over a political solution if his plan is to make the election a referendum on peace.
This is a slogan that we are proud of and we will pursue very seriously our efforts in order to bring about peace in the Middle East.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Palestinian President Abbas