• "(His) evolution on this issue highlights how personal it is for Americans -- whether they're the junior senator from Ohio or your next-door neighbor, all Americans have a gay friend, colleague or family member, and understand them to be as deserving as their straight counterparts of the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that are the promise of the United States, " Angelo continued.

    CNN: Portman reversal highlights GOP generational split

  • Over the past 7 years, more of our fellow citizens have discovered that the pursuit of happiness leads to the path of service.

    NPR: Text of Bush's State of the Union Address

  • The pursuit of happiness is still there but I think the definition of happiness has changed.

    FORBES: Out Of School And Out Of Work, Millennials Still Keep Faith With The American Dream

  • The means to that end was the exercise of liberty in the pursuit of happiness.

    WSJ: Charles Murray: Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem

  • The pursuit of happiness, with happiness defined in the classic sense of justified and lasting satisfaction with life as a whole, depends on economic liberty every bit as much as it depends on other kinds of freedom.

    WSJ: Charles Murray: Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem

  • Suddenly, Governor Charlie Crist was inundated with appeals on behalf of a young woman who merely sought to enjoy her inalienable rights in America of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and not least, the right freely and safely to practice her Christian faith.


  • Rather, the pursuit of happiness is the freedom to pursue our dreams, to make meaning in and find the unique significance of our lives.

    CNN: Obama a marker on post-racial path

  • It is at the core of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    BBC: Change America can believe in

  • To constantly expand the meaning of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

    WHITEHOUSE: 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

  • Instead of engaging the debate over government as an impediment to the pursuit of happiness, Paul refocused us on the debate over how government can impede life and liberty.

    FORBES: Rand Paul's Filibuster: A Three Part Triumph

  • Towards that end, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness seems like the only declaration of freedom anybody should ever need.

    FORBES: 'Declaration of Internet Freedom' Contemplates No Rights or Freedoms Worth Declaring

  • To researchers, the pursuit of happiness--the decision to buy a Jeep Cherokee over a Chevy station wagon, a Cape Cod house versus a ranch, to chain ourselves to our desks and grind ourselves into wafers--emanates from the most important question human beings can ask themselves: What really makes us happy?

    FORBES: Money, Happiness And The Pursuit Of Both

  • They should re-read the Declaration of Independence and the reference to the pursuit of happiness.

    FORBES: Why Are Food Fascists Still Weeping Over Twinkies?

  • So, although Asia mostly has been spared the blight of war for nearly a generation, it is on the front lines of other threats to prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.

    FORBES: Two Insidious Threats to Asian Prosperity

  • The dumbed-down comedy, directed by Liam Lynch and co-written by Lynch and the two stars, depicts rock as the music of channelled, normative rebellion and presents the pursuit of happiness as an inner battle between good and evil but sitting there to get at this ideological substrate is like having teeth drilled.

    NEWYORKER: Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny

  • As they see it, they are Americans in every way but legal status -- Americans whose lives you're ruining and who you're depriving of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    CNN: Obama's pretty words on immigration ring hollow

  • He has done so at the expense of the rights of all Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness safeguarded from all their enemies, foreign and domestic.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Senate��s Thomas Perez Test

  • Together, we have been entrusted with operating a civil society governed by a unique and historically unprecedented representative democracy, the founding values of which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    FORBES: I Defy You To Label Me Pro- Or Anti-Abortion

  • Although our Creator endowed each of us with the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as is all too evident, he did not guarantee us the exercise of those rights.

    FORBES: To Live In Liberty

  • That is our generation's task -- to make these words, these rights, these values of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness real for every American.

    BBC: Obama inauguration: Full text

  • We will, on an ad hoc basis, seek to enlist others in helping to fight the forces of darkness and, more broadly, in creating conditions where our liberal values of democracy--of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness--can sink deep and lasting roots.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • When these core issues are solved and when all Liberians are reconciled, integrated and given equal opportunity in all areas of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness then Liberia will be positioned to blossom and grow into a nation that is truly beautiful and prosperous.

    BBC: Will the peace deal create a new Liberia?

  • Her most recent on-screen credits, according to the IMDB website, are from 2001 when she appeared in the film "Pursuit of Happiness" and the TV movie "Like Mother Like Son: The Strange Story of Sante and Kenny Klimes" along with Mary Tyler Moore.


  • Not the chant of the crowd, but that basic American passion for individual life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    FORBES: It's Time To Restore Liberty

  • And we look for discovery and innovation, all these things desired out of the American heart to provide the pursuit of happiness for our citizens.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • "Gardening and raising cows is also Walker's idea of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, now that he's retired from filling vending machines, " Peeples says.

    NPR: The Legacy of Medgar Evers

  • With the exception of small communes, usually organized around religious principals, the abandonment of our right to private property puts at risk our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    FORBES: Social Justice, Greed And The Occupy Wall Street Movement

  • It was brought over by the reformed Calvinists in the 1600s, made secular and practical by Benjamin Franklin, expressed as the "Pursuit of Happiness" by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, noticed by Alexis de Tocqueville, defined by Max Weber and written into the popular culture by Horatio Alger and others.

    FORBES: The Gospel of Hope

  • Just as our Founding Fathers established "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" as basic rights for all Americans, so too does Islam establish the protection and preservation of life, religion, family, intellect, property and dignity for all.

    CNN: Islam key to Afghan Dream

  • Living as we do in a reflated bubble, lurching from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis, misinformed by journalists and pundits so deeply invested in the Leviathan state that they can no longer imagine what life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness look like, there are few places where one can take refuge from the gathering storm.

    FORBES: After The Sequester, Bring On The Blame Game

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