"Generally, those people have fallen prey to a pushy, overbearing loan originator who wanted to close a loan, " del Rio says.
There was Erasmus Darwin, an enormously fat doctor, Matthew Boulton, a pushy metal-goods manufacturer, and Josiah Wedgwood, the man who turned fine pottery into a commercial goldmine.
More than half the energy customers interviewed said that they found doorstep salespeople either "pushy" or a "nuisance".
La Leche League meetings are well attended and everyone has a breast feeding fanatic friend or knows a pushy lactation consultant.
"I am not a pushy parent, " said Mr Buddell.
BBC: Table tennis toddler Jamie Myska-Buddell is YouTube hit
Until the last half hour, when the direction gets a little pushy, the picture has an offhand, unassuming grace.
If you are so pushy as to want a copy of the hospital report, it is just about impossible to get.
Ebullient and seemingly inexhaustible, with an intensity tempered by a ready laugh that can be heard from down the hall, the red-headed Quinn is the kind of person who can describe herself as a "pushy broad" and not make you wince.
However, even in Thailand, low interest rates and pushy banks have encouraged consumers to go on a spending spree.
Still, executives need to strike a balance between getting noticed without becoming overly pushy.
WSJ: Executives Looking to Get Ahead Should Get to Know the Board
However Anna May Mangan, mother of four and author of Getting into Medical School: The Pushy Mother's Guide, told the BBC that being a hands-on parent was important because "our schools don't teach children to be competitive".
BBC: British children 'babied' by intrusive parents, says MP
"Male artists are much more pushy and power-related, " says Eva Presenhuber, a Zurich-based dealer who noted she recently threw a toned-down party for the artist Karen Kilimnik because the artist doesn't like to promote herself with splashy events.
For example, there's a scene in the Only Make Believe show where Donald Duck's pushy manager and sibling Derek Duck, played by actor Dax Valdes, strong-arms the animal sounds store merchant (Saluda Camp) to produce a new quack for his boss.
They already owned a house on Martha's Vineyard, but that island seemed to be getting too crowded and too pushy with its khaki-and-loafer cocktail parties.