Early in the week, watch the amendments put down for the Crime and Courts Bill....this has long been touted as a possible vehicle for introducing Lord Leveson's proposals for press regulation, but the deadline for putting amendments down to achieve that will fall next week.
So for sure, even while strapped for cash and last year fighting for its life as Sprint did everything it could to put it down for the count, Clearwire was busy trying to move forward to develop its technology niche.
FORBES: Cash Poor Clearwire Is Rich In Technological Excellence
They would be irritated if he failed, and would put him down for further education.
ECONOMIST: Hans Holzer, ghost hunter, died on April 26th, aged 89
When people put concrete down for parking lots, roads or houses, nothing will ever grow there again.
These Sinovel developments have just about put AMSC down for the count.
FORBES: Investing In China Is Fraught With Business Landmines
After he put them down for a nap, he returned to his room and drew pictures of counterpart workers such as Leticia, the family's housekeeper, who reminded him of his family in San Bernardino, California.
Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, of the Claremont graduate school, speculates that his real reason for running was to put down a marker for 2001, when term-limits make him leave the state's Senate and Mr Riordan will no longer be eligible for the mayor's job.
For the youthful Mr Edwards, then, using the current race to put down a marker for the election beyond makes a lot of sense.
He wanted the Europeans to take a lead and so put down a marker for the future.
Stocks turned briefly positive in morning trading before a fresh selloff put the market down for the count.
This was particularly affecting potential buyers' decisions on whether to put down a deposit for a home, or knowing whether they had the savings to do so.
That's why we put this team down for a multiple of 2.8, against the 1.9 for the Minnesota Twins, with an old stadium and perhaps the worst lease in baseball.
Troubled though she was as a human being, with flaws and shortcomings well aired in the biographies written after her death, someone needed to put a marker down for individual liberty and limited government before both disappeared under the waves.
From time to time, Labour put down amendments, for example, on what happens when a church which does allow same sex marriage operates in premises on loan from another church which doesn't, or to make it easier for the Church in Wales to opt into same sex marriage, if it chooses to.
Not only did they do that at the Ritz in Paris, but they put down a second one for my dog.
Put down that new Apple iPad for a second to consider another technological leap.
They said goodbye, and she put down the phone and wept for a quarter of an hour.
In the current, friendlier, versions, picketers put down their placards to pose for pictures with the mayor when, as is his wont, he stops to chat.
ECONOMIST: Lexington: The mystery of Michael Bloomberg | The
You put down money now in return for a promise from an insurer to pay you monthly sums beginning when and if you reach some greater age.
Everybody's favorite far-reaching, possibly free speech-infringing law, the DMCA, is being put to use again for busting down on Divineo, a seller of mod-chips.
ENGADGET: Sony busts down mod-chip retailer with $9 mil. lawsuit
Vincent Horcasitas, a Saunders broker who represented the buyer in the Southampton sale, said when international buyers put down millions, they are looking for a big return.
For the good of the production, industry insiders speculate the pair may have put their differences aside and sat down for a bit of political strategizing in their mutual best interest.
FORBES: Stewart-Pattinson Romance: True Love Or Box Office Brilliance?
But in a world where teens are increasingly over-scheduled, and face mounting academic and pre-college pressures, how can parents persuade their child to put down that energy drink and opt for a healthier lifestyle?
FORBES: New Study Says Teens And Energy Drinks Are A Bad Combo
Some carpeting pros point to the femme fatale Clytemnestra of Greek legend as the first to see the value in colored flooring: She put down a darkly hued welcome mat for her husband, Agamemnon, to honor his return, whereupon he was murdered.
WSJ: It's Time Again in Hollywood to Roll Out the Reddish Carpet
But quite a few MPs want to put down markers about the ground rules for the referendum - watch out for Scottish Affairs select committee chair Ian Davidson, whose committee published a report this week, highlighting a series of concerns, and for the Conservative Eleanor Laing, who wants provision to be made for Scots living outside Scotland to have a vote.
The Ducks just about put the game away when Dotson tossed a midair bounce pass down the sideline for Emory, whose corner 3-pointer put Oregon ahead 58-39 with 8:16 remaining.
Therefore some lenders have been putting up the cost of mortgages for borrowers who can put down only a small deposit.
One of the things we've noticed is that with interest rates down below 5 percent for a 30-year fixed mortgage, if you put 20 percent down on your house, what you're finding is that people are buying some of these foreclosed and distressed homes and that is helping the market out.
Then he slowly put the bottle down on the table and reached for the tonic water.