• And in the name of balanced deficit reduction, he put forward the proposal that, unfortunately, even though it was widely recognized to have been made in good faith and to have represented an effort to meet the Republicans halfway, the Republicans walked away from, which is a shame.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • We certainly expect the Senate to put forward a proposal on the payroll tax cut and the extension of UI that reflects those principles.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • On the face of it, that sounds like better news for Krakow than for Cornwall, but still Britain and others want the overall budget proposal put forward by the European Commission to be sharply reduced.

    BBC: Poland's continuing claim on EU investment funds

  • First of all, the Senate will vote on the proposal put forward by Democrats that would deal with the sequester, postpone the sequester in a balanced, responsible way.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefings

  • The President put forward a proposal to ensure that those teachers were brought back into the classroom.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • What he has never said, and what I attempted, I thought, to appropriately mock yesterday, was the idea that there are magic solutions, that you can put forward a proposal to cut the price at the pump in half on a piece of paper with a couple of magic beans.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Scottish National Party Councillor Ken Lyall is to put forward a proposal asking the council to throw its weight behind a tax campaign.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Fresh call for chewing gum tax

  • And the introduction by the Gang of Six of a concrete proposal put forward by six members of the Senate -- three Republicans, three Democrats, representing a broad ideological spectrum in American politics -- I think is a welcome development.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Belgian green MEP Philippe Lamberts believed the proposal put forward by the Commission was "reasonable" but regretted it was not more ambitious.

    BBC: Energy taxation directive

  • It would be a bigger cut - an estimated 200bn euros - than the proposal put forward by European Council President Herman Van Rompuy.

    BBC: Gloom as EU budget talks resume in Brussels

  • But the Liberal Democrats, who have put forward their own proposal for ownership to be shared between the private sector, Royal Mail employees and the government, say they will not back the bill in its current form.

    BBC: Postal workers in sorting office

  • He has put forward a proposal that addresses the need for entitlement reform in a very serious way as part of a comprehensive package that includes tax reform that would close loopholes and cap deductions in a way that Speaker Boehner said was his position just two months ago.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • And then on the spending side, the President has put forward, in September of 2011 with his proposal to the so-called super committee, in his budget in February of 2012, very specific spending cuts, including savings from health care entitlement programs.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And he looks forward to the Senate voting on the proposal that Senator Casey has put forward later this week.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And as economists have said, there may be some merit -- there may be merit in some of the proposals that the Republicans have put forward either from the House or the McCain-Paul proposal.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • And that's reflected in the proposal for government reorganization that the President put forward.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Not if an intriguing proposal put forward by the staff of Senate Finance Committee member Maria Cantwell (D-WA) becomes law.

    FORBES: Should Congress Let The Next Mark Zuckerberg Prepay His Estate Taxes?

  • Now, the proposal I put forward gives Americans more control over their health insurance and their health care by holding insurance companies more accountable.

    WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward on Health Care Reform

  • The President will put forward a proposal to do that.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, a leading industry publication, has put forward a controversial proposal: that the majors voluntarily disclose data on all their reserves, broken down field by field across the world.

    ECONOMIST: The way oil reserves are booked needs reforming

  • Mineta has put forward a proposal that would put the federal government in charge of security screening, but would not necessarily make all workers doing the screening federal agents, according to a senior Republican aide.

    CNN: White House offers compromise for airport security

  • Last month, the cenotaph proposal, which had been put forward by DUP councillor Lee Reynolds, was brought before a meeting of the council's policy and resources committee.

    BBC: Queen Victoria and union flag

  • And I just want to use as an example the proposal that they put forward with respect to tax policy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Discussing the Economy in Des Moines

  • European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the body would have preferred an outcome closer to the original proposal it put forward.

    CNN: EU leaders agree historic cut in long-term budget

  • He told appeal judge Lord Justice Pitchford no reasonable offers for the property had been received and their plan was "the only viable proposal put forward".

    BBC: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle house development appeal upheld

  • And he certainly will continue to urge that committee and Congress in general to take the approach that is reflected in the detailed proposal he put forward.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Will the administration put that proposal forward before year-end?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • "The board has given its response to BHP on the proposal that it put forward and there it ends, as far as we're concerned at this stage, " according to Rio Tinto spokesman Nick Cobban.


  • He put forward a 2012 budget proposal that reduced the deficit by over a trillion dollars and included within it the kind of balance that he thinks is essential to deal with our longer-term deficit and debt issues.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • That medium- and long-term vision also includes the substantial proposal he put forward in September to get control of our deficits and debt, which takes a very balanced approach, the kind of approach that Americans broadly say they support.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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