Put more frankly, the agencies with access to all the vital information needed for a thorough investigation into how badly banks behaved are the same ones who already let the banks get away.
"We have, frankly, billions of pieces of paper that get put in the backs of large semi- trucks and rolled up to IRS facilities, " said David Williams, IRS' director of electronic tax administration.
"I am going to stand up for people like the McCanns and the Dowlers who have been appallingly treated by sections of the press and who put their faith in David Cameron, put their faith in the Leveson Inquiry, and who are frankly I think astonished by what the prime minister has done, " he said.
And frankly, if Congress had said yes to helping states put teachers back to work and put the economy before our politics, then tens of thousands more teachers in New York would have a job right now.
But let me tell you, no matter where you've come from or how far you traveled, we're just glad you're here today to watch what I consider to be one of the most powerful and important movies that has been put out this year -- or in a long time, quite frankly -- Beasts of the Southern Wild.
WHITEHOUSE: Interactive Film Workshop for Students: Beasts of the Southern Wild | The White House
Where people have gotten into trouble is individuals who have gone out and put all of their eggs in one basket or two baskets and have, frankly, picked the wrong ones.
So we're uneasy about this but frankly everything's on the table now, what he's done has put Mugabe outside the pale of the international community and more.
The question is whether or not Republicans, quite frankly, are going to be willing to accept some of the strong measures that might put them at odds with some of their campaign contributors.
But frankly, you know, Florida is really important to us, so we're going to put if not everything into Florida, almost everything.
Ms Ferguson also stressed that health professionals are often reluctant to talk frankly with expectant mothers about behaviours, such as smoking and having an unhealthy diet, which can put unborn children at risk.
Since I'm frankly at a loss to comprehend why anybody would defile the countryside I, perhaps unfairly, put the perpetrators in the same antisocial category as arsonists and murderers I decided to call Wesley Schultz, a professor of psychology at California State University at San Marcos, for added perspective.