Then the kiss was over and Bridey looked up at him with an expression of puzzlement.
In the face of such a chart, puzzlement is unlikely to be one of them.
The image provokes inquiry and puzzlement how did this happen? could it happen to me?
They spark and explode when some new challenge or puzzlement collides with the copia of your mind.
The patient gave me a look that was somewhere between puzzlement and alarm.
As I also noted last month, the view from Newcastle ranges from puzzlement to resentment that Scotland gets more and better public spending than Scotland.
Given Mr Erdogan's reputation as a savvy politician, there is puzzlement in Ankara over why he shifted his ground on the penal code so abruptly.
Because I can just picture the puzzlement of the farmers when they suddenly find themselves with not just hundreds but thousands of followers on Twitter.
FORBES: Tweet The Wheat: When Farmers Twitter, Comodities Traders Profit
Google's role in the auctions has attracted considerable attention--and puzzlement.
The result has worked astronomers into an ecstasy of puzzlement.
In Brussels the prime minister's antics inspired embarrassment and puzzlement not least when his aides insisted that the timing of the Lisbon ceremony was known too late to alter Mr Brown's diary.
They acknowledge puzzlement at the low rate of switching.
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Even now, many Argentines cannot understand why the IMF did not do more to help, and there is genuine puzzlement as to the IMF's continuing refusal to reach a deal with the government.
The prevailing attitude among ordinary citizens was mild puzzlement at why President Hosni Mubarak and his National Democratic Party, which have ruled together for 26 years, should bother to persist in going through democratic motions.
Which leads to my amusement, puzzlement perhaps, about those parts of the American left who do argue that gas consumption must be cut but fail to urge those policies which have been proven to work elsewhere.
So you can understand the puzzlement if the Knicks opt to use Jeremy Lin a player who briefly but genuinely thrilled the city of New York last winter as an opportunity to curb an institutional tradition of igniting money.
WSJ: Jason Gay: Letting Jeremy Lin Walk May Be Sane, But It's Not Fun
But this conclusion, even if reached by way of an impeccable philosophy, is in danger of leaving the average Joe, not to mention the average General Carter Ham, Odyssey Dawn's American commander, scratching his head in puzzlement.
And in the tour de force, one lucky member of the troupe, Ryan Dunn, inserts a toy car into his rectum and then goes to the doctor for an X-ray, feigning puzzlement over his inability to sit down without discomfort.
The greatest puzzlement will undoubtedly concern the actions taken to undermine even further the calamitous state of health and education at a time when it was obvious that the economic future of country depended on having a healthy and well-educated population.
While the rest of the world scratches its head in puzzlement at how America can be so dysfunctional, President Barack Obama exalts the odd system that has landed the country in this mess and has kept it mired in so many other messes in the past.
Brown expressed some puzzlement that the plaintiffs had hinged their strategy on trying to convince an Ontario court to seize the assets of a Canadian corporation with few operations in the province, based on the fact that it is owned by a U.S. corporation with a foreign judgment against it.
FORBES: Chevron Plaintiffs Lose A Crucial Round In Battle To Enforce $18 Billion Judgment