We believe that Goodwin Liu was a highly qualified candidate, that he should have been confirmed.
Throughout 2012, the average number of companies competing for each qualified candidate remained steady at four.
FORBES: Software Engineers, A Hot Commodity At Silicon Valley Startups, Hired Faster, Earning More
Therefore, we regard Jim as a well-qualified candidate to step into the role of Acer corporate president.
ENGADGET: Acer's Jim Wong named Corporate President, will head new Touch Business Group
Local media say the Democratic Party has accepted Kuroda as the most qualified candidate for the job.
Any other qualified candidate for the job likely has similar opportunity costs and takes on the same reputation risk.
"John McCain is the most qualified candidate to be the next commander-in-chief of the United States, " said Mr Giuliani.
Having held three senior ministerial positions with distinction in three administrations, Juan Manuel Santos is clearly the most qualified candidate.
Often the most qualified candidate lacks interview skills, which are exposed by the extended process, and doesn't get the job offer.
He may, in fact, have been practically the only qualified candidate left.
He has been approved obviously once before for his current post, and he is a, we feel, supremely qualified candidate for the ambassadorship.
The most qualified candidate, by contrast, may feel like he deserved the job, and decide to approach it with a more relaxed attitude.
FORBES: Why It's Better To Hire The Least Qualified Person For The Job
Companies have a vested interest in hiring the most qualified candidate.
Hands down, employers pick the enthusiastic though less qualified candidate.
FORBES: 3 Reasons Why The Most Qualified Candidate Doesn't Get The Job
"I recently had a qualified candidate lose out, " says Hollands.
Mr Burris is a fairly well-qualified candidate who has served as the state's attorney-general and there is no evidence that he tried to play any of Mr Blagojevich's games.
If the answer is yes, says Dutra, the current CEO should objectively and clearly demonstrate to the organization, the board and other key stakeholders why the family member is the most qualified candidate for the position.
But there is one question where I also hear the same response: Would you hire the most qualified but lukewarm candidate or the lesser but still qualified and enthusiastic candidate?
FORBES: 3 Reasons Why The Most Qualified Candidate Doesn't Get The Job
McCain oversold it when he said Palin was the most qualified vice presidential candidate in recent history.
CNN: Commentary: Liberals let loose on Palin and Joe the Plumber
Only 5% of Americans admit that they would not vote for an otherwise qualified black presidential candidate, but 53% say they would shun an atheist.
ECONOMIST: Reflections on a summer camp for the children of atheists
It's not going to be a surprise to you that a lot of people are excited about the idea of voting for a qualified African-American candidate.
NPR: Despite Polls, Hillary Clinton Is Optimistic About S.C.
Prince later rejoined the Navy through Officer Candidate School and qualified for the SEALs.
"Put one mistake aside, he is by far the most qualified and hard-working candidate" to seek the mayoralty in years, Mr. Schwartz wrote in the invitation for the event, which is to be held Wednesday at Loi Restaurant on Manhattan's Upper West Side.
WSJ: New York Mayoral Candidate Weiner Slates New Fundraising
Only ex-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, another leading candidate, and Texas Congressman Ron Paul qualified.
He cites the case of a highly-qualified young IT worker who was clearly the best candidate to join a family firm.
Normally, all or part of what you receive as part of a fellowship or scholarship is tax free so long as you are a candidate for a degree at an educational institution and the amounts you receive are considered qualified educational expenses.