Every one of the businesses here are going to be making determinations about where you locate based on the quality of the workforce, how much investment you have to make in training somebody to handle a million-dollar piece of equipment.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Remarks at CEO Summit Of The Americas | The White House
They can also use the break to consolidate privatization and other reform measures, and to focus on new strategies, from increasing the quantity of international exports to improving the quality of the domestic workforce.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek
But perhaps the greatest national challenge is ratcheting up the quality of the public education workforce.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Each of these five countries, Kiribati, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu have identified through their national education plans and strategies that improving the quality of their teaching workforce is of utmost importance in order to contribute towards increasing student achievement.
''The UK is a centre of innovation, has a highly skilled workforce, and is respected internationally for the quality of its legal and educational systems.
BBC: Huawei to invest ?1.3bn in growing its UK business
He considered the education of the workforce in each metro area, as well as such quality-of-life issues as crime rates and cultural opportunities.
FORBES: Magazine Article
But Sri Lanka's workforce is skilled and educated, able to make intricate pants of the highest quality.
ECONOMIST: The war laps at Sri Lanka's prosperous south
If the February education reform, aimed at improving standards to boost the overall quality of education, is successful, more young Mexicans will have the training to compete in the 21st century workforce.
CNN: Immigration reform gets U.S. in on Mexico's boom