The music was superbly crafted pop, produced by Quincy Jones and often written by Jackson himself.
Men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country.
He talks about his latest CD, his career and Quincy Jones with NPR's Tavis Smiley.
"I owe a debt of thanks to all of those people, " said Mr Quincy.
He was buried--as were his father, mother, and wife--at First Parish Church in Quincy.
Bruce Carpenter, commander of the Quincy CHP district in a remote part of Northern California.
Mr. Carpenter says those troopers patrol not only Quincy, but surrounding roads and highways.
Producer Quincy Jones, meanwhile, said her voice "was the heartbeat and soundtrack of a decade".
It's too hallowed a tradition, even if things did work differently in John Quincy Adams' day.
Rounding out the lot are the decidedly more ordinary Vodafone Sting, Shilpa, Quincy and, our personal favorite, the Larry.
Other celebrity witnesses on the list are Sharon Osbourne, Quincy Jones, Spike Lee, Ray Parker Jr.
John Quincy Adams, Millard Fillmore, and Andrew Johnson all succumbed to strokes, and died within two days.
Smith, music legend Quincy Jones and Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton were among the stars introducing acts.
The other, John Quincy Adams, also won without winning the popular vote, defeating General Andrew Jackson in 1824.
John Quincy Adams is today famous for helping formulate the Monroe Doctrine and battling the expansion of slavery.
John Quincy Adams, elected the sixth president in 1824, was the son of John Adams, the second president.
Although Mr Quincy's house avoided the worst of the flooding his wife and three daughters still needed rescuing.
In fact, John Quincy was on record as opposing the abolitionists for being a danger to the nation.
Matching potential customers with available space is a business, of Quincy, Massachusetts, which began operations in 1999.
Five years ago, when Youth Radio's Quincy Mosby was 14, his mother told him she was HIV positive.
In some communities just outside the city, totals were higher, including 30 inches in both Quincy and Framingham.
She received the National Global Down Syndrome Foundation's Quincy Jones Exceptional Advocacy Award in 2013 and is now a Global Ambassador.
The incident happened Saturday at the Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs at the Quincy subway station, the transit police said.
Since then, Mr. Thielemans has collaborated with a wide range of jazz superstars, from Bill Evans to Quincy Jones.
But stepping into this void came a new company--half VC, half private equity firm--called Allied Minds, of Quincy, Mass.
He also met Quincy Jones and Streisand, both of whom became longtime friends, when he was in his 20s.
Going solo with Quincy Jones producing, as he did in 1979, was the right move, Gamble and Huff said.
Minichiello is managing director of the Los Angeles investment firm Quincy Cass Associates and the chief investment officer of QCA Capital Management.
The famous Quincy Market at Faneuil Hall was closed, and there were more pigeons than tourists on City Hall Plaza.
Eric Clark, CEO of Quincy Tutoring, notes that iPads and smartphones are still tools in the same way textbooks are.
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