With the 2012 money race under way, Democrats are reaching out to mend fences.
"No matter what it is, people are going to find a way to race it not the way it was intended to be used, " explained her husband, Kirk, a 53-year-old supervisor at a nearby state prison.
After Vice President Dick Cheney personally intervened to persuade Pawlenty to stay out of the Senate race, the White House has stepped in with assistance in the tight, three-way race to replace Gov. Jesse Ventura.
Could the University of Texas have found a race-neutral way to reach that critical mass?
All of them have pledged to run a race as a way to work through the tragedy.
McLelland won a three-way race in the 2010 Republican primary and ran unopposed in the general election.
Carcieri is a conservative, while Chafee was widely viewed as the leftmost candidate in a four-way race in 2010.
His best result in the race is some way ahead of his sprint rivals, having finished 54th in 2001.
But in a three-way race the ball takes funny bounces, and that is how Minnesota got a 6 ft. 4 in.
And Mr King looks likely to romp home this year: he is polling at 50% or more in a three-way race.
The poll also found that independent candidate Ralph Nader siphons more support from Kerry than Bush among minority voters in a three-way race.
Kennedy's name did not appear on the ballot in Alabama, and two other states had a three-way race between Richard Nixon, Kennedy and Uncommitted.
With Tim Pawlenty ending his campaign and all others beside libertarian Ron Paul having no traction at all, conventional wisdom sees a three- way race.
Among Latino voters in a three-way race, Kerry's support fell from 57 percent to 52 percent, while Bush's fell from 38 percent to 35 percent.
The next critical game in this three-way race for two spots comes Wednesday night, when Tottenham travels across London to face Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.
Mr Monti's centrist allies are in a three-way race with Mr Berlusconi's People of Freedom party on the right and the Democratic Party on the left.
With observers suggesting that Mr Monti's centrist grouping could attract up to 15% of the vote, the election will be a three-way race, our correspondent says.
Ferraro's comeback into politics in 1992, after the Reagan-Bush presidential ticket walloped the Mondale-Ferraro ticket in 1984, was quashed in a four-way race for the nomination against D'Amato.
Many observers see Pierce's role in the three-way race as that of a spoiler, saying he may split the anti-Kim vote and enable Kim and his core supporters to win the primary.
CNN: Kim Escapes Prison Sentence But Still Faces Ethics Panel
But coach Glenn Delaney was still pleased with his side's efforts in beating Exeter, their EDF National Trophy semi-final conquerors last month, to take the race all the way to the wire.
But, as increasingly happens in Minnesota, this is a three-way race, with the seat also being contested by James Gibson of the newly formed Independence Party, the Venturan rump of the Reform Party which the governor left in February.
Dole became the favorite in the race when she scored a convincing primary victory September 10, taking 81 percent of the vote in a seven-way GOP race.
Political observers say he upset local leaders by jumping into the race before working his way up in the party organization.
In Alaska, Democrats moved to exploit a potential opening in the unpredictable three-way Senate race between Republican Joe Miller, Democrat Scott McAdams and incumbent Sen.
Before the incident with HRT, the way the race had unfolded was good for us I think, so it's frustrating to lose the race like that.
Until recently, Western diplomats expected the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's Islamist mainstream, to stay politely out of the race and pave the way for a secular president.
As for the prospect of the race dragging all the way to the Democratic National Convention in August, Harris says that would let people in later-voting states have a say.
So we believe strongly and I think the Chinese believe that an arms race either in the Middle East or an international arms race is in no way in their interests, particularly -- we certainly know that -- for what drives the Chinese economy, energy is a big part of it.