The BPA Defiant has now been moved to its new home at the RAF Museum in Cosford.
BBC: Wolverhampton volunteers bid farewell to P82 Defiant
As Copping's story becomes known, British authorities are hoping to bring his plane back to the United Kingdom and put it on display at the RAF Museum in London.
CNN: British WWII fighter found in Egyptian desert
This will remain, alongside the RAF Air Defence Museum, which was established on the air base 14 years ago.
BBC: Former RAF Neatishead base sold for ?2.5m in eBay auction
This would remain, alongside the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum, which was established on the air base 14 years ago.
BBC: Ex-RAF radar base in Norfolk up for sale on eBay
Campaign group Bomber Heritage Command (BCH) hopes to establish a museum and education centre at RAF Bicester.
BBC: Bomber Command RAF Bicester bid supported
Local resident Patrick Allen is setting up the Friends of Langham Dome in a bid to preserve the building and turn a piece of RAF Langham's history into a museum - but why?
BBC: Museum proposed at World War II site of RAF Langham
The proposed farm will comprise 160, 000 solar panels and cover 200 acres of a former RAF site, now owned by The Science Museum at Wroughton.
BBC: Plans announced for 'large' solar farm in Wiltshire
Miss Ashton has written to the Treasury, asking it to "help preserve the memory of Battle of Britain pilots by funding, directly or indirectly, a museum at the former site of RAF Command at Bentley Priory".
BBC: Bid to save World War II museum
The Bomber Command Heritage charity had wanted to take over the entire site as a museum to remember the role played by RAF bomber crews during World War II.
BBC: RAF Bicester airfield to become heritage business park
After circulating around a number of RAF bases, it was eventually transferred to London's Imperial War Museum in 1946, where it has been suspended from the ceiling ever since.
BBC: Duxford war museum's Spitfire work 'preserving history'
The former RAF pilot has works on show in the Tate, the National Galleries of Scotland, Leeds Museum and in Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington.
BBC: William Turnbull, Scottish artist, dies at the age of 90