Brian Lord, HMP Manchester branch secretary for the POA, said raising the retirement age would be "unsafe".
In power, Mr Monti made some progress early on, including raising the retirement age and structural reforms.
But IPAB is prohibited from raising taxes, restricting the treatments covered by Medicare, or raising the retirement age.
Raising the retirement age to 67 will mean two more years at work for men, seven for women.
Among the proposals: Cutting tax expenditures, raising the retirement age, curbing Social Security benefits and eliminating earmarks.
The proposals include raising the retirement age for Social Security benefits and tightening income-tax deductions while lowering tax rates.
Raising the retirement age for Social Security or reducing payouts is also unnecessary.
Fleischer was less emphatic about adjusting cost-of-living benefits or raising the retirement age.
Finland, which has no such windfall, has confronted its pensions problem by, among other things, raising the retirement age.
The only alternative is to renege on those commitments, by raising the retirement age or cutting back on benefits.
Simple changes made now, like raising the retirement age by just a year, could make a big difference over time.
Certainly those folks are harmed by raising the retirement age, but a supplemental private account could make up the difference.
He has all but ruled out raising the retirement age or cutting pensions to plug the gap in America's public pension system.
When the Bowles-Simpson commission suggested raising the retirement age to 69 in 2075, it was met with howls of outrage from unions in particular.
CNN: Obama's chance to lead -- or kick the can down the road
Mr Romney, by contrast, has advocated raising the retirement age and indexing benefits for richer recipients, using a less generous formula than at present.
Dietrich is long-term bullish in the markets, providing Washington does the hard work of reforming entitlement programs, including raising the retirement age to around 68 from 65.
He also vowed to "fix Social Security, " refusing to rule out raising the retirement age or allowing some Social Security funds to be invested in the stock market.
Lawmakers tinkered with pension reform last year, raising the retirement age to 67 for new employees, but Democrats don't see an urgent need to make more significant changes.
The predominant liberal critique of raising the retirement age is that it disproportionately affects those with lower incomes, because people with lower incomes often also have lower life expectancies.
FORBES: How Obamacare's Victory Makes it Easier to Raise Medicare's Retirement Age
Entitlement spending is the driver of deficits, but entitlement reforms, such as raising the retirement age or converting Medicare to grants, collide with the core of liberal statist thinking.
FORBES: Barack Obama Wants YOU --- to Pay $10,000 More To Maintain His Entitlement State
They are deeply unhappy with the idea of raising the retirement age by as much as seven years, capping public sector pensions and imposing a uniform sales tax across Brazil's 27 states.
The former conservative government led by Silvio Berlusconi had bulldozed through much stricter proposals for reform, including raising the retirement age to 60 by next year and then 62 by 2014.
He pointed out the grounds of the French Parliament, which he said had been the site of a recent protest against raising the retirement age, a protest that he found baffling.
Goldman's Ms Matsui contends that bringing the female participation rate up to world norms, and raising the retirement age to 70, would each add 0.3 percentage points to annual economic growth.
For the longer run, the most plausible idea for reforming Social Security is to reverse the trend toward earlier retirement by gradually raising the retirement age at which full benefits are paid.
Over the past year, Europe's sovereign-debt storm has forced Rome to introduce emergency measures including an unpopular new property tax, a public-sector wage freeze and raising the retirement age to 68 from 65.
But, at the same time, they knew that raising the retirement age to 62, when the Greeks were being told to stay at their desks till 65, was the reasonable thing to do.
Instead of simply raising the retirement age from 60 to 65, the union called for workers to be allowed to retire at any time of their choosing between the ages of 60 and 70.
For his part, Mr Sanders would cut jobs in the city bureaucracy and would negotiate new pension deals with the public employees' unions, including raising the retirement age and the level of employee contributions.
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Making Brazil's absurdly generous pensions system slightly less so by raising the retirement age will require congressional approval but officials working on it hope that by pushing the pain into the future there is a chance it will pass.